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There are 12 nine-letter words ending with LYSIS

ATMOLYSISatmolysis n. (Chemistry, historical) The separation of mingled gases of unequal diffusibility by transmission through…
ATMOLYSIS n. a method of separating gases of different densities.
AUTOLYSISautolysis n. (Pathology, cytology) The destruction of an organism’s cells by enzymes produced by the organism itself.
autolysis n. (Pathology) The autodigestion of the tissues of an organism.
autolysis n. (Pathology) The autocytolysis of blood cells.
CATALYSIScatalysis n. (Chemistry) The increase of the rate of a chemical reaction, induced by a catalyst.
CATALYSIS n. alteration in speed of chemical reaction due to introduction of a substance which remains unchanged.
CYTOLYSIScytolysis n. The pathological breakdown of a cell due to the bursting of the cell membrane caused by osmosis.
CYTOLYSIS n. the dissolution of cells esp. by breaking down their outer membrane.
EMPHLYSISemphlysis n. (Pathology) A vesicular tumour.
EMPHLYSIS n. a vesicular eruption.
HEMOLYSIShemolysis n. (Medicine) The destruction of red blood cells, and subsequent release of hemoglobin, at the normal end…
HEMOLYSIS n. destruction of red blood corpuscles.
HOMOLYSIShomolysis n. (Chemistry) The decomposition of a substance without reacting with other substances.
homolysis n. The lysis of blood cells by homolysin.
HOMOLYSIS n. decomposition into two uncharged atoms or radicals.
LIPOLYSISlipolysis n. (Organic chemistry) The hydrolysis of lipids.
lipolysis n. (Biochemistry) The reverse of lipogenesis in which stored fat is broken down.
LIPOLYSIS n. the disintegration of fat.
ONCOLYSISoncolysis n. The breakdown or destruction of a tumour.
ONCOLYSIS n. the destruction of tumours.
PARALYSISparalysis n. (Pathology) The complete loss of voluntary control of part of a person’s body, such as one or more limbs.
paralysis n. A state of being unable to act.
PARALYSIS n. the state of being unable to move.
PYROLYSISpyrolysis n. (Chemistry, physics) The decomposition of a material or compound due to heat, in the absence of oxygen…
PYROLYSIS n. decomposition due to heat.
ZYMOLYSISzymolysis n. (Chemistry) The action of enzymes in breaking down organic substances during fermentation.
ZYMOLYSIS n. the action of enzymes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 31 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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