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There are 19 words ending with LUDE

ALLUDEallude v. (Intransitive) To refer to something indirectly or by suggestion.
ALLUDE v. to make an indirect reference.
BLUDEBLUDE n. (Scots) blood, also BLOOD, BLUID.
COLLUDEcollude v. (Intransitive) to act in concert with; to conspire.
COLLUDE v. to conspire.
CONCLUDEconclude v. (Intransitive) To end; to come to an end.
conclude v. (Transitive) To bring to an end; to close; to finish.
conclude v. (Transitive) To bring about as a result; to effect; to make.
DELUDEdelude v. (Transitive) To deceive into believing something which is false; to lead into error; to dupe.
delude v. (Transitive, obsolete) To frustrate or disappoint.
DELUDE v. to mislead that what is true is false.
DISILLUDEdisillude v. (Transitive) To free from illusion.
DISILLUDE v. to free from illusion.
ELUDEelude v. (Transitive) To evade or escape from (someone or something), especially by using cunning or skill.
elude v. (Transitive) To shake off (a pursuer); to give someone the slip.
elude v. (Transitive) To escape being understandable to; to be incomprehensible to.
EXCLUDEexclude v. (Transitive) To bar (someone or something) from entering; to keep out.
exclude v. (Transitive) To expel; to put out.
exclude v. (Transitive) To omit from consideration.
ILLUDEillude v. (Literary) To give a false impression to.
ILLUDE v. to trick.
INCLUDEinclude v. To bring into a group, class, set, or total as a (new) part or member.
include v. To consider as part of something; to comprehend.
include v. (Obsolete) To enclose, confine.
INTERCLUDEinterclude v. (Transitive) To shut off or cut off from a place or course, by something intervening; to intercept; to interrupt.
INTERCLUDE v. to block; to cut off.
INTERLUDEinterlude n. An intervening episode, etc.
interlude n. An entertainment between the acts of a play.
interlude n. (Music) A short piece put between the parts of a longer composition.
LUDElude n. (Slang) A pill containing the drug methaqualone.
lude v. (Slang) To get high on quaalude.
lude n. (Slang) A Honda Prelude sports car.
OCCLUDEocclude v. (Transitive) To obstruct, cover, or otherwise block (An opening, a portion of an image, etc.).
occlude v. (Transitive) To absorb, as a gas by a metal.
OCCLUDE v. to stop up.
POSTLUDEpostlude n. (Music) The final part of a piece; especially music played (normally on the organ) at the end of a church service.
postlude n. A concluding passage of text or speech; an epilogue or afterword.
postlude v. (Rare) To form a postlude (to); to end with a postlude.
PRECLUDEpreclude v. (Transitive) Remove the possibility of; rule out; prevent or exclude; to make impossible.
PRECLUDE v. to rule out or eliminate.
PRELUDEprelude n. An introductory or preliminary performance or event.
prelude n. (Music) A short, free-form piece of music, originally one serving as an introduction to a longer and…
prelude n. (Programming) A standard module or library of subroutines and functions to be imported, generally by…
QUAALUDEquaalude n. Alternative letter-case form of Quaalude.
Quaalude prop.n. (Pharmacology) A proprietary name for methaqualone.
Quaalude n. A dose of this drug, sometimes taken recreationally.
SECLUDEseclude v. (Transitive) To shut off or keep apart, as from company, society, etc.; withdraw (oneself) from society…
seclude v. (Transitive) To shut or keep out; exclude; preclude.
SECLUDE v. to remove or set apart from others.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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