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There are 17 words ending with LENS

ATTOLLENSATTOLLENS adj. (Latin) of a muscle, that raises, also ATTOLLENT.
FLUELLENSfluellens n. Plural of fluellen.
Fluellens prop.n. Plural of Fluellen.
FLUELLEN n. a weedy annual related to toadflax, also FLUELLIN.
GLENSglens n. Plural of glen.
Glens n. Plural of Glen.
GLEN n. a narrow valley with a stream, often with trees.
LEGLENSLEGLEN n. (Scots) a milking pail, also LEGLAN, LEGLIN.
LENSlens n. An object, usually made of glass, that focuses or defocuses the light that passes through it.
lens n. A device which focuses or defocuses electron beams.
lens n. (Geometry) A convex shape bounded by two circular arcs, joined at their endpoints, the corresponding…
MAGDALENSMagdalens n. Plural of Magdalen.
MAGDALEN n. a reformed prostitute, also MAGDALENE.
MULLENSmullens n. Plural of mullen.
MULLEN n. a tall, stiff, yellow-flowered woolly plant of the Verbascum genus, also MULLEIN.
POLLENSpollens n. Plural of pollen.
POLLEN v. to cover or fertilise with pollen.
PSORALENSpsoralens n. Plural of psoralen.
PSORALEN n. a drug used to treat psoriasis.
SILENSSILEN n. a woodland god or elderly satyr, also SILENUS.
STOLLENSstollens n. Plural of stollen.
STOLLEN n. (German) a rich sweet German bread made with raisins etc. and coated with icing sugar.
STREPTOSOLENSSTREPTOSOLEN n. an evergreen solanaceous flowering shrub of the genus Streptosolen, with panicles of tubular orange flowers.
SULLENSsullens n. Plural of sullen.
SULLEN n. a sullen mood.
TELLENStellens n. Plural of tellen.
TELLEN n. a kind of bivalve mollusc, also TELLIN.
VOLENSvolens adj. (Law) In the state of mind where one voluntarily accepts a specific risk.
VOLENS adv. (Latin) consenting to the risk of injury.
WOOLENSwoolens n. (US) woolen clothes collectively.
Woolens prop.n. Plural of Woolen.
WOOLEN n. a fabric made of wool, also WOOLLEN.
WOOLLENSwoollens n. Fabrics or clothing made from wool.
WOOLLEN n. a garment made of wool, also WOOLEN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 166 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 233 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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