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There are 17 eight-letter words ending with LAGE

CERCLAGEcerclage n. (Medicine) The use of a wire loop to hold fragments of a fractured bone together; or to prevent dilation…
CERCLAGE n. any of several procedures in which the cervix of the womb is closed to prevent miscarriage.
DIALLAGEdiallage n. A figure of speech in which multiple arguments are brought to bear on a single point.
diallage n. (Mineralogy) A green form of pyroxene.
DIALLAGE n. (Greek) a mineral, a brown, green or grey form of augite.
ENALLAGEenallage n. (Rhetoric) Transformation from one grammatically correct form to another.
enallage n. (Rhetoric) The substitution of one grammatical form for another that violates a grammatical rule.
ENALLAGE n. the exchange of one grammatical case for another, as of singular for plural, present for past tense, etc.
ENSILAGEensilage n. The process of producing silage by the fermentation of green fodder.
ensilage n. (Archaic) Synonym of silage.
ensilage v. (Transitive) To preserve in a silo.
FUSELAGEfuselage n. (Aeronautical) The main body of an aerospace vehicle; the long central structure of an aircraft to which…
FUSELAGE n. (French) the elongated body section of an aeroplane, containing the crew and passengers or cargo.
GRILLAGEgrillage n. A foundation of crisscrossing timber or steel beams, usually for spreading heavy loads over large areas.
GRILLAGE n. a framework of timber.
MUCILAGEmucilage n. A thick gluey substance (gum) produced by many plants and some microorganisms.
MUCILAGE n. an adhesive substance.
PUCELAGEpucelage n. (Archaic) Virginity.
PUCELAGE n. virginity.
PUPILAGEpupilage n. The condition of being a pupil.
pupilage n. The period during which one is a pupil.
PUPILAGE n. the state of being a pupil.
SMALLAGEsmallage n. Celery in its wild uncultivated form.
SMALLAGE n. a wild celery.
SPILLAGEspillage n. The process or action of spilling.
spillage n. That which has been spilled.
SPILLAGE n. that which is spilt, also SPILTH.
SPOILAGEspoilage n. The part of something that has spoiled.
spoilage n. The process of spoiling.
SPOILAGE n. something that is spoiled or wasted.
STALLAGEstallage n. (Obsolete) The erection and use of a stall at a fair or market.
stallage n. (Obsolete) The dues levied for the erection and use of a stall at a fair or market.
stallage n. (Obsolete) dung of cattle or horses, mixed with straw.
STILLAGEstillage n. (Uncountable) The residue from the manufacture of alcohol from grain; typically used in animal feed.
stillage n. (Countable) A rack or pallet used to hold goods (originally casks) off the floor.
STILLAGE n. a cask stand, also STILLING, STILLION.
THIRLAGEthirlage n. (Historical, Scotland) The right of the owner of a mill to compel tenants to bring all their grain to…
THIRLAGE n. (Scots) an obligation for feudal tenants to grind grain at a certain mill.
TUTELAGEtutelage n. The act of guarding, protecting, or guiding; guardianship; protection.
tutelage n. The state of being under a guardian or a tutor; care or protection enjoyed.
tutelage n. Instruction; teaching; guidance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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