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There are 16 seven-letter words ending with LOGY

ANALOGYanalogy n. A relationship of resemblance or equivalence between two situations, people, or objects, especially…
analogy n. (Geometry) The proportion or the equality of ratios.
analogy n. (Grammar) The correspondence of a word or phrase with the genius of a language, as learned from the…
APOLOGYapology n. An expression of remorse or regret for having said or done something that harmed another: an instance…
apology n. A formal justification, defence.
apology n. Anything provided as a substitute; a makeshift.
BIOLOGYbiology n. The study of all life or living matter.
biology n. The living organisms of a particular region.
biology n. The structure, function, and behavior of an organism or type of organism.
DYSLOGYdyslogy n. Censure; disapproval; dispraise.
DYSLOGY n. dispraise.
ECOLOGYecology n. (Biology) The branch of biology dealing with the relationships of organisms with their environment and…
ECOLOGY n. the study of the interrelationships between life forms and their environment, also OECOLOGY.
ENOLOGYenology n. (American spelling) Alternative form of oenology.
ENOLOGY n. the study of wines, also OENOLOGY, OINOLOGY.
GEOLOGYgeology n. The science that studies the structure of the earth (or other planets), together with its origin and…
geology n. The geological structure of a region.
GEOLOGY n. the science of the origin and structure of the earth.
MYOLOGYmyology n. (Anatomy) The physiological study of muscles.
MYOLOGY n. the study of muscles.
NEOLOGYneology n. The study or art of neologizing (creating new words).
neology n. (Obsolete) The holding of novel or rational religious views.
NEOLOGY n. a new word, phrase or doctrine; a new use of an established word, also NEOLOGISM.
NOOLOGYnoology n. The systematic study and organization of everything dealing with knowing and knowledge.
NOOLOGY n. the science of the intellect.
OROLOGYorology n. (Geomorphology, obsolete, rare) The study or science of mountains and their formation.
OROLOGY n. the scientific study of mountains, also OREOLOGY.
OTOLOGYotology n. (Medicine) The branch of medicine that deals with the ear, its structure, function and pathology.
OTOLOGY n. the science of the ear.
TRILOGYtrilogy n. A set of three works of art that are connected, and that can be seen either as a single work or as three…
TRILOGY n. a group of three related literary works.
UFOLOGYufology n. The study of UFOs.
UFOLOGY n. the study of unidentified flying objects.
UROLOGYurology n. (Medicine) The surgical specialty of medicine that treats disorders of the urinary tract and the urogenital system.
UROLOGY n. the study of urine or the urinary tract, also OUROLOGY, URINOLOGY.
ZOOLOGYzoology n. The part of biology relating to the animal kingdom, including the structure, embryology, evolution…
zoology n. A treatise on this science.
zoölogy n. Rare spelling of zoology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 26 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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