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List of 6-letter words ending with

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There are 9 six-letter words ending with LLES

BELLESbelles n. Plural of belle.
Belles prop.n. A village in Dominica.
BELLE n. (French) a young lady of superior beauty and attractions.
DALLESdalles n. (Plural only) The rapids in a deep, narrow stream confined between the rock walls of a canyon or gorge.
dalles n. (Plural only) A steep-sided part of a stream channel, near the dalles proper, marked by clefts, ravines, or gorges.
DALLE n. (French) a slab or tile, often decorative.
FILLESFILLE n. (French) a girl.
FOLLESFOLLIS n. (Latin) a coin of ancient Rome.
MILLESMILLE n. (French) a thousand.
RILLESrilles n. Plural of rille.
RILLE n. a valley on the moon's surface.
SALLESsalles n. Plural of salle.
Salles prop.n. A surname.
SALLE n. (French) a hall.
SELLESselles n. Plural of selle.
Selles prop.n. Plural of Selle.
SELLE n. (archaic) a seat, saddle.
TULLEStulles n. Plural of tulle.
TULLE n. (French) a sheer and delicate thin silk.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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