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There are 10 words ending with LOM

GLOMglom v. (Transitive, informal) To take.
glom v. (Intransitive, informal) To grab hold of, seize; catch, grab or latch onto.
glom v. (Intransitive, informal) To clump up, to seize together into a lump or conglomeration.
CELOMcelom n. Alternative spelling of coelom.
CELOM n. (Greek) a body cavity in some animals, also COELOM, COELOME.
COELOMcoelom n. (Zoology) A fluid-filled cavity within the body of an animal. The digestive system is suspended within…
cœlom n. Obsolete spelling of coelom.
COELOM n. (Greek) a body cavity in some animals, also CELOM, COELOME.
SHALOMshalom interj. A traditional Jewish greeting or farewell.
shalom n. (Countable) The traditional Jewish greeting of "shalom".
shalom n. (Judaism, uncountable) Peace. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
SHOLOMsholom interj. Alternative form of shalom.
sholom n. Alternative form of shalom.
SHOLOM n. (Hebrew) in Jewish society, a salutation at meeting or parting, also SHALOM.
SLALOMslalom n. (Uncountable, sports) The sport of skiing in a zigzag course through gates. (Often used attributively)
slalom n. (Uncountable) Any similar activity on other vehicles, including canoes and water skis.
slalom n. (Countable, sports) A course used for the sport of slalom.
WHILOMwhilom adv. (Archaic except literary) At some time in the past; formerly, once upon a time.
whilom adv. (Obsolete).
whilom adj. (Archaic except literary) At some time in the past; former, sometime.
CIMBALOMcimbalom n. A type of concert hammered dulcimer used primarily in the music of Eastern Europe.
CIMBALOM n. a kind of Hungarian dulcimer, also CYMBALOM.
CYMBALOMcymbalom n. Alternative form of cimbalom.
CYMBALOM n. a kind of Hungarian dulcimer, also CIMBALOM.
PSEUDOCOELOMpseudocoelom n. Synonym of pseudocoel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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