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There are 8 five-letter words ending with LSE

BULSEbulse n. (Now rare) A bag or package of diamonds, gold dust or other precious materials.
BULSE n. a small bag for diamonds, gold dust etc.
DULSEdulse n. A seaweed of a reddish-brown color (Palmaria palmata) which is sometimes eaten, as in Scotland.
DULSE n. (Gaelic) an edible red seaweed.
FALSEfalse adj. Untrue, not factual, factually incorrect.
false adj. Based on factually incorrect premises.
false adj. Spurious, artificial.
HALSEhalse n. (Anatomy, archaic) The neck; the throat.
halse v. (Dialectal) To fall upon the neck of; hug; embrace.
halse v. (Transitive) To greet; salute; hail.
MULSEmulse n. Wine boiled and mixed with honey.
MULSE n. (obsolete) a drink of honey with wine or water.
PULSEpulse n. (Physiology).
pulse n. (Figuratively) A beat or throb; also, a repeated sequence of such beats or throbs.
pulse n. (Figuratively) The focus of energy or vigour of an activity, place, or thing; also, the feeling of bustle…
SALSEsalse n. A mud volcano, the water of which is often impregnated with salts.
SALSE n. (French) a mud volcano.
VALSEvalse n. Archaic form of waltz.
valse v. Archaic form of waltz.
VALSE v. (French) to waltz.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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