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There are 15 words ending with LARIZATION

BIPOLARIZATIONbipolarization n. (Politics) polarization into two opposing factions.
BIPOLARIZATION n. the act of bipolarizing, also BIPOLARISATION.
CIRCULARIZATIONcircularization n. The distribution of publicity circulars.
circularization n. The act or process of making something circular in form.
CIRCULARIZATION n. the process of circularizing, also CIRCULARISATION.
DEPOLARIZATIONdepolarization n. The act of reducing polarity, or the result of such action; reduction to an unpolarized or less polarized condition.
DEPOLARIZATION n. the act of depolarizing, also DEPOLARISATION.
DOLLARIZATIONdollarization n. (Economics) The process of a country, officially, or its residents, unofficially, adopting the US dollar…
DOLLARIZATION n. the process of dollarizing, also DOLLARISATION.
FORMULARIZATIONformularization n. The act of formularizing; a formularized or formulated statement or exhibition.
FORMULARIZATION n. the act of formularizing, also FORMULARISATION.
POLARIZATIONpolarization n. The production or the condition of polarity.
polarization n. (Physics) the production of polarized light; the direction in which the electric field of an electromagnetic…
polarization n. (Chemistry, physics) the separation of positive and negative charges in a nucleus, atom, molecule or system.
POPULARIZATIONpopularization n. The act of making something popular to the general public.
POPULARIZATION n. the act of popularizing, also POPULARISATION.
REGULARIZATIONregularization n. The act of making regular, of regularizing.
regularization n. (Machine learning) constraints and penalties imposed on a model to prevent it from overfitting.
REGULARIZATION n. the act of regularizing, also REGULARISATION.
REPOLARIZATIONrepolarization n. The act of repolarizing.
REPOLARIZATION n. restoration of the difference in charge between the inside and outside of the cell membrane following depolarization, also REPOLARISATION.
SECULARIZATIONsecularization n. The transformation of a society from close identification with religious values and institutions toward…
secularization n. The deconsecration of a church.
SECULARIZATION n. the act of rendering secular, also SECULARISATION.
SINGULARIZATIONsingularization n. The process or result of singularizing.
SINGULARIZATION n. the process of singularizing, also SINGULARISATION.
SOLARIZATIONsolarization n. Exposure to the rays of the sun.
solarization n. Fumigation of soil by covering it with a plastic sheet and exposing it to the sun.
solarization n. (Photography) Whole or partial reversal of tone in a negative or photographic print, such that dark…
TABULARIZATIONtabularization n. The act of tabularizing, or the state of being tabularized; formation into tables; tabulation.
TABULARIZATION n. the process of tabularizing, also TABULARISATION.
VASCULARIZATIONvascularization n. The process of being vascularized.
vascularization n. (Medicine) the formation of blood vessels and capillaries in living tissue.
vascularization n. (Botany) the formation of leaf veins.
VELARIZATIONvelarization n. (Phonology) The act or process of velarizing.
VELARIZATION n. the pronunciation of a word with the back of the tongue touching the soft palate, also VELARISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 105 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
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