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There are 11 words ending with KIRT

SKIRTskirt n. An article of clothing, usually worn by women and girls, that hangs from the waist and covers the lower…
skirt n. The part of a dress or robe, etc., that hangs below the waist.
skirt n. A loose edging to any part of a dress.
UPSKIRTupskirt adj. Designating a voyeuristic image of the view up a woman’s skirt.
upskirt n. An image of this kind.
upskirt n. The area inside a skirt, most commonly from below and while being worn. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
BEDSKIRTbedskirt n. The valance of a bed.
BEDSKIRT n. drapery attached to a bed frame.
OUTSKIRToutskirt n. A more remote part of a town or city; the periphery, environs; a suburb.
outskirt v. (Transitive) To surround as an outskirt.
OUTSKIRT n. an outlying area.
FORESKIRTforeskirt n. The front skirt of a garment, in distinction from the train.
FORESKIRT n. (Shakespeare) the front skirt of a garment, in distinction from the train.
HOOPSKIRThoopskirt n. Alternative spelling of hoop skirt.
hoop␣skirt n. A women’s undergarment worn in various historical periods to hold the skirt extended into a fashionable…
HOOPSKIRT n. a skirt stiffened with or as if with a hoop.
MIDISKIRTmidiskirt n. A skirt with a hemline at mid-calf.
MIDISKIRT n. a skirt of medium length.
MINISKIRTminiskirt n. A short skirt with its hemline well above the knees, generally at mid-thigh level.
mini-skirt n. Alternative form of miniskirt.
MINISKIRT n. a skirt whose hemline is well above the knees.
OVERSKIRToverskirt n. A skirt worn visibly, especially over another layer, such as a petticoat.
OVERSKIRT n. an upper skirt, shorter than the dress, and usually draped.
MICROSKIRTmicroskirt n. An extremely short miniskirt with its hemline at the upper thigh, at or just below crotch or underwear level.
MICROSKIRT n. a very short skirt.
UNDERSKIRTunderskirt n. A skirt worn underneath another skirt; a petticoat.
underskirt n. An under layer of a multi-layer gown over which outer skirts are draped.
UNDERSKIRT n. a petticoat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 47 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
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