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List of 8-letter words ending with

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There are 20 eight-letter words ending with KEST

BLACKESTblackest adj. Superlative form of black: most black.
BLACK adj. being of the darkest colour.
BLANKESTblankest adj. Superlative form of blank: most blank.
BLANK adj. empty.
BLEAKESTbleakest adj. Superlative form of bleak: most bleak.
BLEAK adj. dull and cheerless.
BRISKESTbriskest adj. Superlative form of brisk: most brisk.
BRISK adj. quick of movement.
BRUSKESTbruskest adj. Superlative form of brusk: most brusk.
BRUSK adj. abrupt in manner, also BRUSQUE.
CHIRKESTchirkest adj. Superlative form of chirk: most chirk.
CHIRK adj. cheerful.
CRANKESTcrankest adj. Superlative form of crank: most crank.
CRANK adj. lively.
CRONKESTCRONK adj. (Australian colloquial) ill; of poor quality.
CROOKESTcrookest adj. Superlative form of crook: most crook.
CROOK adj. (Australian slang) ill, unfair.
DRUNKESTdrunkest adj. Superlative form of drunk: most drunk.
drunkest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple past form of drink.
DRUNK adj. intoxicated.
FRANKESTfrankest adj. Superlative form of frank: most frank.
FRANK adj. free and open.
OVERKESToverkest adj. (Obsolete, poetic) overcast.
OVERKEST adj. (Spenser) overcast.
QUICKESTquickest adj. Superlative form of quick: most quick.
QUICK adj. acting or capable of acting with speed.
SLACKESTslackest adj. Superlative form of slack: most slack.
SLACK adj. not tight or taut.
SLEEKESTsleekest adj. Superlative form of sleek: most sleek.
SLEEK adj. smooth, glossy.
SLICKESTslickest adj. Superlative form of slick: most slick.
SLICK adj. smooth and slippery.
SPICKESTspickest adj. Superlative form of spick: most spick.
SPICK adj. tidy, fresh.
STARKESTstarkest adj. Superlative form of stark: most stark.
STARK adj. stern, harsh.
SWANKESTswankest adj. Superlative form of swank: most swank.
SWANK adj. slender, pliant.
THICKESTthickest adj. Superlative form of thick: most thick.
thickest adv. Superlative form of thick: most thick.
THICK adj. having a great distance in measurement from surface to surface in the lesser dimension.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 58 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 57 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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