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List of 6-letter words ending with

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There are 17 six-letter words ending with KI

ADSUKIADSUKI n. (Japanese) a kind of bean, also ADUKI, ADZUKI, AZUKI.
ADZUKIadzuki n. Either the plant or the seed of the azuki bean.
ADZUKI n. (Japanese) a kind of bean, also ADSUKI, ADUKI, AZUKI.
ALFAKIalfaki n. Alternative form of alfaqui.
ALFAKI n. (Arabic) a teacher of Muslim law, also ALFAQUI, ALFAQUIN.
BUZUKIbuzuki n. Alternative form of bouzouki.
BUZUKI n. (Modern Greek) a Greek long necked lute with 3 or 4 double courses of metal strings, also BAZOUKI, BOUSOUKI, BOUZOUKI.
KABIKIKABIKI n. a fruit tree native to India, the fruit of which is edible and often used in preserves, and the fragrant flowers of which are used in cosmetics.
KABUKIkabuki n. (Often capitalized) A form of Japanese theatre in which elaborately costumed male performers use stylized…
kabuki n. (By extension, US) A stylized, pretentious, and often hollow performance; (especially) political posturing.
Kabuki n. Alternative letter-case form of kabuki.
KALUKIkaluki n. Alternative form of kalooki.
KALUKI n. a card game similar to rummy, using two packs of cards and two jokers, also KALOOKI, KALOOKIE.
KONAKIkonaki n. A shrine for the Anastenaria.
konaki n. Alternative form of koneke.
KONAKI n. (Maori) in New Zealand, a farm vehicle with runners at the front and wheels at the rear, also KONEKE.
KULAKIkulaki n. Plural of kulak.
KULAK n. (Russian) a rich peasant.
PACZKIpaczki n. A traditional Polish doughnut.
pączki n. Alternative spelling of paczki.
PACZKI n. (Polish) a round, filled doughnut.
PATIKIpatiki n. (New Zealand) The flounder (fish).
PATIKI n. (Maori) the New Zealand sand flounder or dab.
RUMAKIrumaki n. A mock-Polynesian hors d’oeuvre, usually made from water chestnuts and pieces of duck or chicken liver…
RUMAKI n. (Japanese) an appetizer, marinated chicken liver and a water chestnut grilled in a rasher of bacon.
SALUKISaluki n. (Cynology) An ancient sighthound breed of dog with a silky coat originating in the Middle East, once…
SALUKI n. (Arabic) a greyhound-like Arab dog, aka gazelle hound.
TANUKItanuki n. The raccoon dog, Nyctereutes procyonoides.
tanuki n. (Japanese mythology) A folkloric figure in the form of a tanuki, regarded as a shapeshifter and renowned…
tanuki n. The joining of a living bonsai tree to a piece of dead wood for aesthetic effect.
TITOKItitoki n. Alectryon excelsus, a New Zealand tree found in lowland forests.
TITOKI n. (Maori) a New Zealand tree.
WAKIKIWAKIKI n. (Melanesian) shell money.
YIDAKIyidaki n. (Australia) didgeridoo.
YIDAKI n. (Native Australian) a long wooden wind instrument played by the Aboriginal people of Arnhem Land.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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