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There are 15 words ending with IGNMENT

ALIGNMENTalignment n. An arrangement of items in a line.
alignment n. The process of adjusting a mechanism such that its parts are aligned; the condition of having its parts so adjusted.
alignment n. An alliance of factions.
ARRAIGNMENTarraignment n. (Law) The formal charging of a defendant with an offense.
ARRAIGNMENT n. the act of arraigning.
ASSIGNMENTassignment n. The act of assigning; the allocation of a job or a set of tasks.
assignment n. The categorization of something as belonging to a specific category.
assignment n. An assigned task.
CONSIGNMENTconsignment n. A collection of goods to be sent, in transit or having been sent.
consignment n. The act of consigning.
consignment n. The sale of one’s own goods (Clothing, furniture, etc.) through a third-party vendor, in exchange for…
DARRAIGNMENTDARRAIGNMENT n. the act of darraigning.
DERAIGNMENTDERAIGNMENT n. the act of deraigning.
DESIGNMENTdesignment n. (Obsolete) One’s design or plan; an objective, an undertaking.
DESIGNMENT n. (obsolete) the design or sketch of a work.
DESSIGNMENTDESSIGNMENT n. (Spenser) design, planning.
ELOIGNMENTeloignment n. (Obsolete) Removal to a distance; withdrawal.
ELOIGNMENT n. the act of eloigning, conveying to a distance.
MALIGNMENTmalignment n. The act of maligning something.
MALIGNMENT n. a malign act.
MISALIGNMENTmisalignment n. The state, or an instance, of being misaligned.
MISALIGNMENT n. a wrong alignment.
NONALIGNMENTnonalignment n. The condition of being nonaligned.
non-alignment n. Alternative form of nonalignment.
NONALIGNMENT n. the state of being nonaligned.
REALIGNMENTrealignment n. The act of realigning or something realigned.
REALIGNMENT n. the act of realigning.
REASSIGNMENTreassignment n. The act of reassigning; a second or subsequent assignment.
REASSIGNMENT n. the act of reassigning.
RESIGNMENTresignment n. Resignation.
RESIGNMENT n. the act of resigning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 46 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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