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List of 11-letter words ending with

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There are 18 eleven-letter words ending with IVENESS

ABUSIVENESSabusiveness n. The quality of being abusive; rudeness of language, or violence to the person.
ABUSIVENESS n. the quality of being abusive.
AMATIVENESSamativeness n. (Phrenology) The state or quality of being amative; propensity to love or sexual feelings.
AMATIVENESS n. the state of being amative.
AMUSIVENESSamusiveness n. The state or quality of being amusive.
AMUSIVENESS n. the state of being amusive.
COSTIVENESScostiveness n. The state or quality of being costive; constipation.
costiveness n. (Obsolete) Inability to express oneself; stiffness.
COSTIVENESS n. constipation.
CURSIVENESScursiveness n. The state or quality of being cursive.
CURSIVENESS n. the state of being cursive.
ELUSIVENESSelusiveness n. The state of being elusive.
ELUSIVENESS n. the state of being elusive.
EMOTIVENESSemotiveness n. The condition of being emotive.
EMOTIVENESS n. the state of being emotive.
EROSIVENESSerosiveness n. The state or quality of being erosive.
EROSIVENESS n. the state of being erosive.
EVASIVENESSevasiveness n. The quality of being evasive.
EVASIVENESS n. the state of being evasive.
FESTIVENESSfestiveness n. The quality of being festive; festivity.
FESTIVENESS n. the state of being festive.
FICTIVENESSfictiveness n. The quality of being fictive.
FICTIVENESS n. the state of being fictive.
FORGIVENESSforgiveness n. The action of forgiving.
forgiveness n. Readiness to forgive.
FORGIVENESS n. the act of forgiving.
FURTIVENESSfurtiveness n. The quality of being furtive.
FURTIVENESS n. the state of being furtive.
MASSIVENESSmassiveness n. The property of being massive.
MASSIVENESS n. the state of being massive.
PASSIVENESSpassiveness n. The state or condition of being passive; passivity.
PASSIVENESS n. the state of being passive.
PENSIVENESSpensiveness n. A thoughtful or reflective state, especially if sad or melancholic.
PENSIVENESS n. the state of being pensive.
RESTIVENESSrestiveness n. The characteristic of being restive.
RESTIVENESS n. the state of being restive.
SUASIVENESSsuasiveness n. (Rare) The act of urging or influencing; persuasion.
suasiveness n. Persuasiveness.
SUASIVENESS n. the state of being suasive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 23 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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