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There are 15 words ending with ISTENT

COEXISTENTcoexistent adj. Existing at the same time as something else.
coexistent n. That which coexists with another.
COEXISTENT adj. existing at the same time.
CONSISTENTconsistent adj. Of a regularly occurring, dependable nature.
consistent adj. Compatible, accordant.
consistent adj. (Logic) Of a set of statements: such that no contradiction logically follows from them.
DISTENTdistent adj. Distended.
distent n. (Obsolete) breadth.
DISTENT n. (Spenser) breadth, distention.
EXISTENTexistent adj. Existing; having life or being, current; occurring now.
existent n. (Archaic) a being or entity that exists independently.
EXISTENT n. something that exists.
IMPERSISTENTimpersistent adj. Not persistent; fleeting.
IMPERSISTENT adj. not persistent.
INCONSISTENTinconsistent adj. Not consistent…
INCONSISTENT adj. lacking consistency.
INEXISTENTinexistent adj. Nonexistent.
INEXISTENT adj. not existing, also INEXISTANT.
INSISTENTinsistent adj. (Obsolete) Standing or resting on something.
insistent adj. Urgent in dwelling upon anything; persistent in urging or maintaining.
insistent adj. Extorting attention or notice; coercively staring or prominent; vivid; intense.
NONEXISTENTnonexistent adj. Not existent or existing; not real.
nonexistent adj. Not present or occurring.
nonexistent n. Something that does not exist.
NONPERSISTENTnonpersistent adj. Not persistent.
NONPERSISTENT adj. not persistent.
OVERINSISTENToverinsistent adj. Excessively insistent.
OVERINSISTENT adj. excessively insistent.
PERSISTENTpersistent adj. Obstinately refusing to give up or let go.
persistent adj. Insistently repetitive.
persistent adj. Indefinitely continuous.
PREEXISTENTpreexistent adj. Existing previously.
preexistent adj. Preceding existence.
preëxistent adj. Uncommon spelling of preexistent.
RESISTENTresistent adj. (Less common) Alternative form of resistant.
resistent n. Misspelling of resistant.
RESISTENT adj. making resistance.
SUBSISTENTsubsistent adj. Actually existing.
subsistent adj. Inherent.
SUBSISTENT adj. having real being; as, a subsistent spirit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 36 words
  • Scrabble in French: 18 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 18 words

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