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There are 7 words ending with IPLINE

HIPLINEhipline n. (Textiles) The line of a garment around the hips.
HIPLINE n. the distance around the hips.
ZIPLINEzipline n. A pulley suspended on a cable mounted on an incline, designed to enable a user to travel from one point…
zipline n. A trip on a zipline.
zipline v. To travel by zipline.
DISCIPLINEdiscipline n. A controlled behaviour; self-control.
discipline n. A specific branch of knowledge or learning.
discipline v. (Transitive) To train someone by instruction and practice.
INDISCIPLINEindiscipline n. Lack of discipline.
INDISCIPLINE n. lack of discipline, also UNDISCIPLINE.
UNDISCIPLINEundiscipline n. Alternative form of indiscipline.
UNDISCIPLINE n. lack of discipline, also INDISCIPLINE.
SUBDISCIPLINEsubdiscipline n. A field of study or work that is related to one aspect, but not the whole, of a broader field of study or work.
sub-discipline n. Alternative spelling of subdiscipline.
SUBDISCIPLINE n. a subdivision of a discipline.
MULTIDISCIPLINEmultidiscipline adj. Combining several disciplines; multidisciplinary.
MULTIDISCIPLINE adj. comprising many disciplines.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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