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There are 17 words ending with ISTAS

SISTASsistas n. Plural of sista.
SISTA n. an African-American woman.
VISTASvistas n. Plural of vista.
VISTA v. to make into, or see into, vistas.
ARISTASaristas n. Plural of arista.
Aristas prop.n. Plural of Arista.
ARISTA n. (Latin) a bristlelike structure e.g. on grass.
BALISTASbalistas n. Plural of balista.
BALISTA n. (Latin) a Roman machine for throwing projectiles, also BALLISTA.
BARISTASbaristas n. Plural of barista.
BARISTA n. one who makes and serves coffee to the public.
GENISTASgenistas n. Plural of genista.
GENISTA n. (Latin) a genus of plants including the common broom of Western Europe.
TURISTASTURISTA n. (Spanish) intestinal sickness affecting a tourist in a foreign country, also TOURISTA.
BALLISTASballistas n. Plural of ballista.
BALLISTA n. (Latin) a Roman machine for throwing projectiles, also BALISTA.
TOURISTASTOURISTA n. (Spanish) intestinal sickness affecting a tourist in a foreign country, also TURISTA.
AUTOPISTASautopistas n. Plural of autopista.
AUTOPISTA n. (Spanish) a motorway.
FIDELISTASFIDELISTA n. a believer in the principles of Fidel Castro.
VEDUTISTASvedutistas n. Plural of vedutista.
VEDUTISTA n. (Italian) a painter of vedute, panoramic views of towns.
CAMORRISTASCamorristas n. Plural of Camorrista.
FRUGALISTASfrugalistas n. Plural of frugalista.
FRUGALISTA n. a person who tries to stay fashionably dressed on a budget.
SACAHUISTASSACAHUISTA n. (Nahuatl) a bear grass that may cause poisoning in livestock, also SACAHUISTE.
FASHIONISTASfashionistas n. Plural of fashionista.
FASHIONISTA n. a follower or setter of fashion, also FASHIONIST.
RECESSIONISTASrecessionistas n. Plural of recessionista.
RECESSIONISTA n. a person whose clothes, whether cheap, secondhand, or suitably subdued, are considered appropriate to an economic downturn.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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