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There are 10 words ending with ISIVE

APPRAISIVEappraisive adj. Of or relating to appraisal.
APPRAISIVE adj. having an appraising quality.
DECISIVEdecisive adj. Having the power or quality of deciding a question or controversy; putting an end to contest or controversy;…
decisive adj. Marked by promptness and decision.
DECISIVE adj. conclusive.
DERISIVEderisive adj. Expressing or characterized by derision; mocking; ridiculing.
derisive adj. Deserving or provoking derision or ridicule.
derisive n. (Rare) A derisive remark.
DIVISIVEdivisive adj. Having a quality that divides or separates.
DIVISIVE adj. causing disunity or dissension.
INCISIVEincisive adj. (Of a person or mental process) Intelligently analytical and concise.
incisive adj. (Of an action) Quickly proceeding to judgment and forceful in expression.
incisive adj. Having the quality of incising, cutting, or penetrating, as with a sharp instrument.
INDECISIVEindecisive adj. (Of a person) Not decisive; not marked by promptness or decision.
indecisive adj. (Of a contest etc.) inconclusive or uncertain.
INDECISIVE adj. not decisive.
PRECISIVEprecisive adj. Cutting off.
precisive adj. (Logic) Exactly limiting by cutting off all that is not absolutely relevant.
PRECISIVE adj. dividing off, separating or abstracting mentally.
SUBDIVISIVEsubdivisive adj. Relating to subdivision.
SUBDIVISIVE adj. relating to a subdivision.
UNDECISIVEundecisive adj. Alternative form of indecisive.
UNDECISIVE adj. indecisive.
VISIVEvisive adj. (Now rare) Pertaining to sight or the ability to see; visual.
VISIVE adj. of or pertaining to sight; able to see or be seen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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