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There are 11 words ending with ISITE

COREQUISITEcorequisite n. (Education) A course that must be or can be taken concurrently with a given course.
COREQUISITE n. a formal course of study required to be taken simultaneously with another.
CROCOISITEcrocoisite n. Alternative form of crocoite.
CROCOISITE n. a bright red mineral, lead chromate, also CROCOITE.
EXQUISITEexquisite adj. Especially fine or pleasing; exceptional.
exquisite adj. (Obsolete) Carefully adjusted; precise; accurate; exact.
exquisite adj. Recherché; far-fetched; abstruse.
LEWISITElewisite n. An organoarsenic compound used as a chemical weapon.
LEWISITE n. an irritant and poison gas used for chemical warfare.
MULTISITEmultisite adj. Occupying, or occurring at, multiple physical sites.
multisite adj. (Internet) Of or relating to more than one web site.
MULTISITE adj. having many sites.
PERQUISITEperquisite n. (Chiefly in the plural) Any monetary or other incidental benefit beyond salary.
perquisite n. A gratuity.
perquisite n. A privilege or possession held or claimed exclusively by a certain person, group or class.
PREREQUISITEprerequisite adj. Required as a prior condition of something else; necessary or indispensable.
prerequisite n. Something that is required as necessary or indispensable, or as a prior condition of something else.
prerequisite n. In education, a course or topic that must be completed before another course or topic can be started…
REQUISITErequisite adj. Essential, indispensable, required.
requisite n. An indispensable item; a requirement.
REQUISITE adj. required.
UNREQUISITEunrequisite adj. Not requisite.
UNREQUISITE adj. not requisite.
VISITEvisite n. A light cape or short cloak of silk or lace formerly worn by women in summer.
VISITE n. (French) a light cape or short cloak of silk or lace worn by women in summer.
ZOISITEzoisite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral with orthorhombic crystals, Ca2Al3(SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH).
ZOISITE n. a silicate of calcium and aluminium.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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