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There are 18 words ending with INEAL

LINEALlineal adj. Having an ancestral relationship to mothers, fathers, grandparents, (Etc.) and having a descendant relationship…
lineal adj. Inheriting by direct descent; having the right by direct descent to succeed (to).
lineal adj. Composed of lines; delineated.
PINEALpineal adj. In the shape of a pine cone.
pineal adj. Pertaining to the pineal gland.
pineal n. The pineal gland.
TINEALTINEAL adj. relating to tinea, a name applied to various skin diseases, esp. ringworm.
VINEALvineal adj. Of or pertaining to vines; containing vines.
VINEAL adj. pertaining to wine, also VINOUS.
PERINEALperineal adj. Referring to the region of the perineum.
PERINEAL adj. relating to a perineum.
UNLINEALunlineal adj. Not lineal; not of a family line.
UNLINEAL adj. not lineal.
COCHINEALcochineal n. (Entomology) A species of insect (Dactylopius coccus).
cochineal n. A vivid red dye made from the bodies of cochineal insects.
cochineal n. The vivid red color of this dye.
NONLINEALnonlineal adj. Not lineal.
NONLINEAL adj. not lineal.
PECTINEALpectineal adj. (Obsolete, anatomy) Of or relating to the pecten.
pectineal adj. (Anatomy) Relating to, or connected with, the pubic bone.
PECTINEAL adj. of the pubic bone.
STAMINEALstamineal adj. (Botany) Bearing or having stamens.
STAMINEAL adj. related to stamens, also STAMINEOUS.
UNILINEALunilineal adj. (Genealogy) Of or pertaining to one side of a family.
unilineal adj. Synonym of unilinear.
UNILINEAL adj. tracing descent through the paternal or maternal line only.
PARAPINEALparapineal adj. Beside the pineal.
PARAPINEAL adj. beside the pineal gland.
CURVILINEALcurvilineal adj. (Of a line) Having bends; curved; curvilinear.
CURVILINEAL adj. bounded by curved lines.
INTERLINEALinterlineal adj. (Rare) Alternative form of interlinear.
INTERLINEAL adj. between the lines.
MATRILINEALmatrilineal adj. (Anthropology) Tracing descent only through female ancestors.
MATRILINEAL adj. of descent or kinship, reckoned through the mother or through females alone, also MATRILINEAR.
MULTILINEALmultilineal adj. Having many lines.
MULTILINEAL adj. having many lines, also MULTILINEAR.
PATRILINEALpatrilineal adj. (Anthropology) Pertaining to descent through male lines.
PATRILINEAL adj. traced through the father or through males alone, also PATRILINEAR.
RECTILINEALrectilineal adj. Alternative form of rectilinear.
RECTILINEAL adj. moving in or forming a straight line, also RECTILINEAR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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