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There are 18 words ending with IKINS

BODIKINSbodikins n. Plural of bodikin; alternative form of bodkins.
BODIKIN n. a diminutive of body, in Od's bodikins, God's little body.
BOOTIKINSbootikins n. Plural of bootikin.
BOOTIKIN n. (obsolete) a little boot, legging, or gaiter.
CANIKINScanikins n. Plural of canikin.
CANIKIN n. a small can or cup, also CANNIKIN, CANAKIN.
CANNIKINScannikins n. Plural of cannikin.
CANNIKIN n. a small can or cup, also CANAKIN, CANIKIN.
COOTIKINScootikins n. (Archaic, rare) spatterdashes.
COOTIKIN n. (Scots) a gaiter, also CUITIKIN, CUTIKIN.
CUITIKINScuitikins n. Alternative form of cutikins.
CUITIKIN n. (Scots) a gaiter, also COOTIKIN, CUTIKIN.
CUTIKINScutikins n. (Scotland, obsolete) spatterdashes.
CUTIKIN n. (Scots) a gaiter, also COOTIKIN, CUITIKIN.
HEARTIKINSheartikins n. Plural of heartikin.
HEARTIKIN n. (obsolete) a little heart (used euphemistically in an oath).
LARRIKINSlarrikins n. Plural of larrikin.
LARRIKIN n. (Australian slang) a hoodlum, a rowdy.
LIKINSlikins n. Plural of likin.
Likins prop.n. A surname from Dutch.
LIKIN n. (Chinese) an old Chinese transit duty.
MANIKINSmanikins n. Plural of manikin.
MANIKIN n. an anatomical model of the human body used for teaching purposes, also MANNEQUIN, MANNIKIN.
MANNIKINSmannikins n. Plural of mannikin.
MANNIKIN n. an anatomical model of the human body used for teaching purposes, also MANIKIN, MANNEQUIN.
MINIKINSminikins n. Plural of minikin.
MINIKIN n. (Dutch) a small dainty creature.
PANNIKINSpannikins n. Plural of pannikin.
PANNIKIN n. a small metal cup.
PITIKINSPITIKINS interj. diminutive of pity, as in ods pitikins.
SPILIKINSspilikins n. Plural of spilikin.
SPILIKIN n. a small slip of wood, ivory, etc., to be picked out from a heap without disturbing the others in the game of spillikins, also SPELLICAN, SPILLIKIN.
SPILLIKINSspillikins n. Plural of spillikin.
spillikins n. A game in which players attempt to remove flat, carved sticks of ivory or wood (the individual spillikins…
Spillikins n. Alternative spelling of spillikins.
THUMBIKINSthumbikins n. An instrument of torture for compressing the thumb; a thumbkin or thumbscrew.
thumbikins n. Plural of thumbikin.
THUMBIKINS n. (Scots) an instrument of torture for compressing the thumb; a thumbscrew, also THUMBKIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 42 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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