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There are 16 words ending with ICINS

ALLICINSallicins n. Plural of allicin.
ALLICIN n. a liquid compound formed from garlic.
CAPSAICINScapsaicins n. Plural of capsaicin.
CAPSAICIN n. a cyclic amide responsible for the pungency of capsicums.
CAPSICINSCAPSICIN n. a liquid used as a flavoring.
COLICINScolicins n. Plural of colicin.
COLICIN n. an antibacterial substance, also COLICINE.
DAUNORUBICINSdaunorubicins n. Plural of daunorubicin.
DAUNORUBICIN n. an antibiotic used in treatment of leukaemia.
DOXORUBICINSdoxorubicins n. Plural of doxorubicin.
DOXORUBICIN n. a bacterial antibiotic used to treat various forms of cancer.
FICINSFICIN n. a cysteine proteinase isolated from the latex of figs, also FICAIN.
GENTAMICINSgentamicins n. Plural of gentamicin.
GENTAMICIN n. a broad-spectrum antibiotic derived from an actinomycete.
HYPERICINShypericins n. Plural of hypericin.
HYPERICIN n. a compound with antidepressant properties, found in St John's wort.
RICINSRICIN n. a substance extracted from castor bean, used as a biochemical reagent.
RIFAMPICINSrifampicins n. Plural of rifampicin.
RIFAMPICIN n. an antibiotic drug used in treating tuberculosis, leprosy and meningitis.
SALICINSsalicins n. Plural of salicin.
SALICIN n. a bitter crystalline glucoside obtained from willow-bark, etc. and used medicinally as an analgesic, etc., also SALICINE.
SERICINSsericins n. Plural of sericin.
SERICIN n. the gelatinous protein found in raw silk.
STREPTOTHRICINSstreptothricins n. Plural of streptothricin.
STREPTOTHRICIN n. any of a group of related basic antibiotics produced by a streptomyces and active esp. against bacteria.
TUNICINStunicins n. Plural of tunicin.
TUNICIN n. a gelatinous substance found in the tests of tunicates.
TYROTHRICINStyrothricins n. Plural of tyrothricin.
TYROTHRICIN n. an antibiotic mixture consisting chiefly of tyrocidine and gramicidin and used topically especially against gram-positive bacteria.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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  • English Wiktionary: 54 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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