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List of 9-letter words ending with

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There are 11 nine-letter words ending with IMENT

CONDIMENTcondiment n. Something used to enhance the flavor of food; for example, salt or pepper.
condiment v. (Transitive) To season with condiments.
condiment v. (Transitive) To pickle.
DETRIMENTdetriment n. Harm, hurt, damage.
detriment n. (UK, obsolete) A charge made to students and barristers for incidental repairs of the rooms they occupy.
detriment v. (Transitive, chiefly obsolete) To be detrimental to; to harm or mar.
FURNIMENTfurniment n. (Obsolete) Accoutrements, fittings.
FURNIMENT n. (Spenser) furnishing.
HARDIMENThardiment n. (Archaic) Bravery, courage.
HARDIMENT n. (archaic) hardihood, boldness, also HARDIHEAD, HARDIHOOD.
HERRIMENTherriment n. (Scotland, obsolete) harassment; depredation.
HERRIMENT n. (Scots) spoliation, plunder, also HERRYMENT.
JOLLIMENTjolliment n. (Obsolete) jollity.
JOLLIMENT n. (Spenser) jollity.
MERRIMENTmerriment n. A state of enjoyable exuberance.
merriment n. Playful fun.
MERRIMENT n. gaiety with laughter and noise.
NUTRIMENTnutriment n. A source of nourishment; food.
nutriment n. Something that promotes growth or development; a nutrient.
NUTRIMENT n. anything which nourishes.
SENTIMENTsentiment n. A general thought, feeling, or sense.
sentiment n. (Uncountable) Feelings, especially tender feelings, as apart from reason or judgment, or of a weak or foolish kind.
SENTIMENT n. a thought or body of thought tinged with or influenced by emotion.
VESTIMENTvestiment n. (Obsolete) Clothing, clothes, especially ecclesiastical.
VESTIMENT n. (obsolete) vestment, garb.
WORRIMENTworriment n. The act of worrying; anxiety.
worriment n. A worrying situation or thing.
WORRIMENT n. trouble; anxiety; worry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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