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List of 10-letter words ending with

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There are 20 ten-letter words ending with ICITY

CALORICITYcaloricity n. Ectothermy.
CALORICITY n. a faculty in animals of developing and preserving the heat necessary to life.
CANONICITYcanonicity n. The degree to which something is canonical.
CANONICITY n. the state of being canonical.
CAUSTICITYcausticity n. The quality of being physically caustic; burning, corrosive.
causticity n. (Figuratively) Being caustic in speech, humour etc.
CAUSTICITY n. the state of being caustic.
CENTRICITYcentricity n. The state or quality of being centric; centricalness.
CENTRICITY n. the state or quality of being centric.
CHRONICITYchronicity n. The condition of being chronic.
CHRONICITY n. the quality of being chronic.
COMPLICITYcomplicity n. The state of being complicit; involvement as a partner or accomplice, especially in a crime or other wrongdoing.
complicity n. (Archaic) Complexity.
COMPLICITY n. association or participation in or as if in a wrongful act.
DIBASICITYdibasicity n. (Chemistry) The property or condition of being dibasic.
DIBASICITY n. the quality of being dibasic.
ELASTICITYelasticity n. (Physics) The property by virtue of which a material deformed under load can regain its original dimensions…
elasticity n. (Economics) The sensitivity of changes in a quantity with respect to changes in another quantity.
elasticity n. (Computing) A measure of the flexibility of a data store’s data model and clustering capabilities.
ENDEMICITYendemicity n. The quality of being endemic.
ENDEMICITY n. the state of being endemic.
ERGODICITYergodicity n. (Uncountable) The condition of being ergodic.
ergodicity n. (Countable) The extent to which something is ergodic.
ERGODICITY n. the state of being ergodic, relating to the probability that in a system any state will occur again.
IMPUDICITYimpudicity n. (Formal) immodesty; shamelessness.
IMPUDICITY n. immodesty, shamelessness.
INFELICITYinfelicity n. (Uncountable) The condition of being infelicitous.
infelicity n. (Countable) Something that is infelicitous or inappropriate.
INFELICITY n. the state of being infelicitous.
ORGANICITYorganicity n. The quality of being organic.
ORGANICITY n. the state of life or society as an organism.
PLASTICITYplasticity n. The quality or state of being plastic.
plasticity n. (Physics) the property of a solid body whereby it undergoes a permanent change in shape or size when…
PLASTICITY n. the state of being plastic.
SEISMICITYseismicity n. (Geology) A measure or a degree of how seismic a region is or how prone it is to earthquakes.
SEISMICITY n. the degree of vulnerability to earthquakes.
SIMPLICITYsimplicity n. The state or quality of being simple.
simplicity n. (Archaic, rare) An act or instance of foolishness.
SIMPLICITY n. the state of being simple.
SPASTICITYspasticity n. The state, quality or property of being spastic.
SPASTICITY n. a state of spasm.
SPHERICITYsphericity n. (Chiefly uncountable) The quality of being spherical, being a sphere.
sphericity n. (Geometry, countable) The ratio of the surface area of a given particle to the surface area of a sphere…
SPHERICITY n. a descriptive term to describe how close a particle's shape is to a sphere.
STYPTICITYstypticity n. The quality or state of being styptic; astringency.
STYPTICITY n. the state of being styptic.
TRIPLICITYtriplicity n. The quality or state of being triple or threefold; trebleness.
triplicity n. (Astrology) The division of the twelve signs according to the four elements.
TRIPLICITY n. the state of being triple.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 72 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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