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There are 10 words ending with ITON

NITONniton n. (Obsolete) Former name of radon.
Niton prop.n. A village in Niton and Whitwell parish, southern Isle of Wight, England, United Kingdom (OS grid ref SZ5076).
Niton prop.n. A locality in Yellowhead County, Alberta, Canada.
PITONpiton n. (Climbing) A spike, wedge, or peg that is driven into a rock or ice surface as a support (as for a mountain climber).
piton v. (Climbing) To put pitons into a rock/ice to facilitate climbing.
PITON n. (French) a metal spike used in mountain climbing.
CHITONchiton n. (Historical) A loose woolen tunic worn by men and women in Ancient Greece.
chiton n. Any of various rock-clinging marine molluscs of the class Polyplacophora, including the genus Chiton.
Chiton prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Chitonidae – certain polyplacophoran molluscs.
TRITONtriton n. (Physics) the atomic nucleus of a tritium atom, consisting of a proton and two neutrons.
triton n. Any of several marine gastropods of the family Ranellidae, which have a pointed spiral shell.
Triton prop.n. (Greek mythology) A god of the sea, son of Poseidon.
EXCITONexciton n. (Physics) A bound state of an electron and an electron hole in an insulator or semiconductor.
EXCITON n. a combination of excited electron and hole.
POSITONpositon n. (Physics) A positron, especially when compared with a negaton.
POSITON n. an electron but with a positive charge, also POSITRON.
SOLITONsoliton n. (Physics, mathematics) A self-reinforcing pulse or travelling wave caused by any non-linear effect (found…
SOLITON n. a solitary wave in physics.
GRAVITONgraviton n. (Physics) A hypothetical gauge boson that regulates the gravitational force. It would have a spin of…
GRAVITON n. a hypothetical particle carrying the gravitational force.
MIRLITONmirliton n. A pear-shaped vegetable or its vine; the chayote.
mirliton n. (Music) The eunuch flute, a kind of kazoo or membranophone.
mirliton n. An 18th-century hussar hat resembling a slightly conical shako or tall fez.
MULTITONmultiton adj. Weighing more than one ton.
multiton n. (Software, design) A creational design pattern resembling the singleton pattern except that multiple…
multiton n. (Programming) The class used for the multiton pattern.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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