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There are 8 words ending with ITIA

COMITIAcomitia n. (Historical) A popular legislative assembly in ancient Rome.
COMITIA n. (Latin) a public assembly of the Roman people for electing officers or passing laws.
MILITIAmilitia n. An army of trained civilians, which may be an official reserve army, called upon in time of need, the…
militia n. Synonym of militsia: the national police force of certain countries (e.g. Belarus).
MILITIA n. (Latin) a military force raised from the civilian population, as distinguished from mercenaries or professional soldiers.
NOTITIAnotitia n. A roll, list, or register: a catalogue of public functionaries, with their districts: a list of episcopal sees.
NOTITIA n. (Latin) a roll, list or register.
APOSITIAAPOSITIA n. (Greek) an aversion to food.
HOSPITIAhospitia n. Plural of hospitium.
HOSPITIUM n. (Latin) a nursing home for the terminally ill.
SYSSITIAsyssitia n. (Historical) In Ancient Greece, a common meal shared by men and youths in social or religious groups.
SYSSITIA n. (Greek) the ancient Spartan custom of eating the main meal together in public.
ADVENTITIAadventitia n. (Anatomy, histology) The outermost layer of epithelial tissue encasing a visceral organ.
ADVENTITIA n. the outermost covering of an organ or part, esp. of a blood vessel.
CAPILLITIAcapillitia n. Plural of capillitium.
CAPILLITIUM n. a mass of threads.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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