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There are 17 words ending with IOTS

RIOTSriots n. Plural of riot.
riots v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of riot.
RIOT v. to take part in a violent public disturbance.
GRIOTSgriots n. Plural of griot.
GRIOT n. (French) a tribal entertainer in West Africa.
IDIOTSidiots n. Plural of idiot.
IDiots n. Plural of IDiot.
IDIOT n. a mentally deficient person.
GALIOTSgaliots n. Plural of galiot.
GALIOT n. (French) a small galley, formerly used in the Mediterranean, also GALLIOT.
HERIOTSheriots n. Plural of heriot.
HERIOT n. (historical) a payment to a feudal lord upon the death of a tenant farmer.
LORIOTSloriots n. Plural of loriot.
LORIOT n. (French) the golden oriole.
VIDIOTSvidiots n. Plural of vidiot.
VIDIOT n. a habitual undiscriminating viewer of television.
CHARIOTSchariots n. Plural of chariot.
CHARIOT v. to ride in a two-wheeled, horse-drawn vehicle.
CHEVIOTScheviots n. Plural of cheviot.
Cheviots n. Plural of Cheviot.
CHEVIOT n. a coarse heavy plain or twilled wool or worsted.
GALLIOTSgalliots n. Plural of galliot.
GALLIOT n. (French) a small galley, formerly used in the Mediterranean, also GALIOT.
PATRIOTSpatriots n. Plural of patriot.
Patriots n. Plural of Patriot.
Patriots n. (US, sports) The New England Patriots, a professional American football team based in the Greater Boston region.
SYMBIOTSSYMBIOT n. (Greek) an organism living in close association with another, also SYMBIONT, SYMBION, SYMBIOTE.
STRADIOTSstradiots n. Plural of stradiot.
STRADIOT n. (historical) a Venetian light horseman from Albania or Greece.
TIMARIOTSTimariots n. Plural of Timariot.
TIMARIOT n. (historical) a Turkish feudal militiaman.
COPATRIOTScopatriots n. Plural of copatriot.
COPATRIOT n. a person born, residing, or holding citizenship in the same country as another, also COMPATRIOT.
COMPATRIOTScompatriots n. Plural of compatriot.
COMPATRIOT n. a person born, residing, or holding citizenship in the same country as another, also COPATRIOT.
SUPERPATRIOTSsuperpatriots n. Plural of superpatriot.
SUPERPATRIOT n. an exceptional patriot.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 96 words
  • Scrabble in French: 22 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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