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There are 13 words ending with IOSE

ARIOSEariose adj. (Music) Melodic and song-like.
ARIOSE adj. in the manner of an aria.
OTIOSEotiose adj. Having no effect.
otiose adj. Done in a careless or perfunctory manner.
otiose adj. Reluctant to work or to exert oneself.
TRIOSEtriose n. (Biochemistry) A sugar or saccharide containing three carbon atoms. Trioses are the smallest monosaccharides…
TRIOSE n. a simple sugar.
CARIOSECARIOSE adj. of teeth, affected with caries, decayed, also CARIOUS.
EBRIOSEebriose adj. (Formal) inebriated; drunk.
EBRIOSE adj. intoxicated, also EBRIATE, EBRIATED.
FOLIOSEfoliose adj. Leafy or leaf-like.
FOLIOSE adj. having leaves, also FOLIOUS.
PLUVIOSEpluviose adj. (Rare) Characterized by heavy rainfall; rainy.
Pluviôse prop.n. (Historical) The fifth month of the French Republican Calendar, from January 20, 21 or 22 to February 18, 19 or 20.
PLUVIOSE adj. pertaining to rain, also PLUVIOUS.
SCARIOSEscariose adj. Alternative form of scarious.
SCARIOSE adj. thin, dry and membranous, also SCARIOUS.
GRANDIOSEgrandiose adj. Large and impressive, in size, scope or extent.
grandiose adj. Pompous or pretentious.
GRANDIOSE adj. imposing; bombastic.
MINUTIOSEminutiose adj. Characterized by minutiae, or small details.
MINUTIOSE adj. of or like a minutia, a minute particular or detail, also MINUTIAL.
RELIGIOSEreligiose adj. Superficially religious, especially in an affected or sentimental way.
RELIGIOSE adj. morbidly or sentimentally religious.
SPONGIOSEspongiose adj. Somewhat spongy; spongelike; full of small cavities.
SPONGIOSE adj. somewhat spongy; spongelike, also SPONGEOUS, SPONGIOUS.
CELLOBIOSEcellobiose n. (Biochemistry) A disaccharide, found mainly as a repeat unit in cellulose, in which two glucose units…
CELLOBIOSE n. a disaccharide obtained by hydrolysis of cellulose, also CELLOSE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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