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There are 14 words ending with INUS

MINUSminus prep. (Mathematics) Made less or reduced by (followed by an expression of number or quantity).
minus prep. (Informal) Without; deprived of.
minus n. (Mathematics) The minus sign (−).
SINUSsinus n. (Anatomy, zootomy) A pouch or cavity in a bone or other tissue, especially one in the bones of the face…
sinus n. (Anatomy) An irregular venous or lymphatic cavity, reservoir, or dilated vessel.
sinus n. (Pathology) An abnormal cavity or passage such as a fistula, leading from a deep-seated infection and…
ACINUSacinus n. (Botany) One of the small grains or drupelets which make up some kinds of fruit, as the blackberry, raspberry, etc.
acinus n. (Botany) A grape-stone.
acinus n. (Anatomy) One of the granular masses which constitute a racemose or compound gland, as the pancreas;…
ERINUSERINUS n. any rock plant of the genus Erinus.
ECHINUSechinus n. A sea urchin.
echinus n. (Architecture) The rounded moulding forming the bell of the capital of the Grecian Doric style, which…
echinus n. (Architecture) The quarter-round moulding (ovolo) of the Roman Doric style.
RICINUSricinus n. Any member of the genus Ricinus.
Ricinus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Euphorbiaceae – the castor plant.
Ricinus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ricinidae – several bird lice.
UNCINUSuncinus n. (Meteorology) A cloud species which consists of fine hair-like strands, with hooked terminations. Associated…
uncinus n. (Paleontology) The curved tip of the hooks associated with belemnite tentacles.
UNCINUS n. (Latin) a hooklet, a marginal tooth of a mollusc's radula.
PULVINUSpulvinus n. (Botany) A joint on a plant leaf or petiole that may swell and cause movement of the leaf or leaflet.
PULVINUS n. (Latin) a swelling at the base of a stalk or leaf.
TAUHINUSTAUHINU n. (Maori) a poplar tree.
TERMINUSterminus n. The end or final point of something.
terminus n. The end point of a transportation system, or the town or city in which it is located.
terminus n. A boundary or border, or a post or stone marking such a boundary.
BOTULINUSbotulinus n. Alternative form of botulinum.
BOTULINUS n. a powerful bacterial toxin, also BOTULIN, BOTULINUM.
TRACHINUSTrachinus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Trachinidae – typical weevers.
TRACHINUS n. any member of the weever genus of fish.
TRIGEMINUStrigeminus n. (Neuroanatomy) Alternative form of trigeminal nerve.
TRIGEMINUS n. the trigeminal nerve.
LAURUSTINUSlaurustinus n. Alternative form of laurestine.
LAURUSTINUS n. a winter-flowering shrub, also LAURUSTINE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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