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There are 16 words ending with ILAR

BASILARbasilar adj. (Anatomy, relational) Of, pertaining to, or located at a base, but especially at the base of the skull…
basilar adj. Lower, inferior, base.
BASILAR adj. relating to, or situated at, the base, esp. of the skull, also BASILARY.
BIFILARbifilar adj. Having two wires, threads or filaments.
BIFILAR adj. having two threads.
CONSIMILARconsimilar adj. Having similarities in common.
CONSIMILAR adj. like each other.
DISSIMILARdissimilar adj. Not similar; unalike; different.
DISSIMILAR adj. unlike.
DISSIMILAR n. something not similar.
FIBRILARFIBRILAR adj. relating to a fibril, also FIBRILLAR, FIBRILLARY.
FILARfilar adj. Of or relating to a thread or line; characterized by threads stretched across the field of view.
FILAR adj. pertaining to a thread.
HILARhilar adj. Relating to or near a hilum.
HILAR adj. belonging to the hilum, a mark where seed was attached to its stalk.
PILARpilar adj. (Chiefly medicine) Relating to hair.
pilar adj. Covered in hair; hairy.
PILAR adj. pertaining to hair.
PUPILARpupilar adj. Of or pertaining to the pupil (of the eye).
PUPILAR adj. relating to a pupil or ward, also PUPILARY, PUPILLAR, PUPILLARY.
SIMILARsimilar adj. Having traits or characteristics in common; alike, comparable.
similar adj. (Mathematics) Of geometrical figures including triangles, squares, ellipses, arcs and more complex figures…
similar adj. (Mathematics, linear algebra) Of two square matrices; being such that a conjugation sends one matrix to the other.
STROBILARstrobilar adj. Relating to a strobilus.
STROBILAR adj. of or like a strobila, a stack of immature larval jellyfish.
TONSILARtonsilar adj. Alternative spelling of tonsillar.
TONSILAR adj. relating to the tonsils, also TONSILLAR, TONSILLARY.
UNIFILARunifilar adj. Having or using only one thread.
unifilar adj. (Biochemistry, of DNA) single-stranded.
UNIFILAR adj. having only one thread, wire or fibre.
UNSIMILARunsimilar adj. Dissimilar.
UNSIMILAR adj. not similar.
VERISIMILARverisimilar adj. Appearing to be true or real; probable; likely.
verisimilar adj. (Fiction) Faithful to its own rules; internally consistent.
VERISIMILAR adj. seeming real or true.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 65 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 158 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 21 words

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