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There are 10 words ending with IDOS

AIDOSaidos n. Shame, modesty, or humility, regarded as a virtue in Ancient Greece.
Aidos prop.n. (Greek mythology) The goddess or personification of humility, modesty.
AIDOS n. (Greek) shame, modesty.
DIDOSdidos n. Plural of dido.
DIDO n. a mischievous act.
EIDOSeidos n. (Philosophy) Form; essence; type; species.
EIDOS n. (Greek) the formal sum of a culture, its intellectual character, ideas.
FIDOSfidos n. Plural of fido.
FIDOs n. Plural of FIDO.
FIDO n. a coin having a minting error.
LIDOSlidos n. Plural of lido.
LIDO n. a bathing beach; an open-air swimming pool.
EJIDOSejidos n. Plural of ejido.
EJIDO n. (Spanish) a piece of land farmed communally in Mexico.
AIKIDOSaikidos n. Plural of aikido.
AIKIDO n. (Japanese) a type of martial art.
LIBIDOSlibidos n. Plural of libido.
LIBIDO n. (Latin) psychic drive or energy, esp. that associated with the sexual instinct.
BUSHIDOSBUSHIDO n. (Japanese) a Japanese code of chivalry.
HAPKIDOSHAPKIDO n. (Japanese) a Korean martial art.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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