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There are 9 words ending with IDOR

CORREGIDORcorregidor n. The chief magistrate of a Spanish town.
CORREGIDOR n. (Spanish) the chief magistrate of a Spanish town.
CORRIDORcorridor n. A narrow hall or passage with rooms leading off it, as in a building or in a railway carriage.
corridor n. A restricted tract of land that allows passage between two places.
corridor n. (Military, historical, rare) The covered way lying round the whole compass of the fortifications of a place.
CUSPIDORcuspidor n. (Chiefly US) A spittoon.
CUSPIDOR n. (Portuguese) a spittoon, also CUSPIDORE.
HUMIDORhumidor n. A container designed to keep its contents at a constant humidity; especially such a box for storing cigars.
HUMIDOR n. (Latin) a humid place for storing cigars etc.
NIDORnidor n. The smell of burning animals, especially of burning animal fat.
nidor n. (Nonstandard) Any smell.
NIDOR n. (Latin) the savory aroma of cooked food, esp. meat.
PROVIDORprovidor n. Alternative form of provider.
STRIDORstridor n. A harsh, shrill, unpleasant noise.
stridor n. (Medicine) A high-pitched sound heard on inspiration resulting from turbulent air flow in the upper…
STRIDOR n. (Latin) a harsh shrill sound.
THERMIDORThermidor prop.n. (Historical) The eleventh month of the French Republican Calendar, from July 19 or 20 to August 17 or 18.
Thermidor n. A counterrevolution; a coup d’état resembling the Thermidorian Reaction.
THERMIDOR n. a method of preparing lobsters, the flesh being mixed with a cream sauce seasoned with mustard, and served in the shell.
UTILIDORutilidor n. A utility corridor.
UTILIDOR n. (Canadian) an insulated system of pipes for use in arctic regions.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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