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List of 9-letter words ending with

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There are 19 nine-letter words ending with IENT

CONSCIENTconscient adj. (Obsolete) conscious; aware.
CONSCIENT adj. conscious.
DEFICIENTdeficient adj. Lacking something essential; often construed with in.
deficient adj. Insufficient or inadequate in amount.
deficient adj. (Mathematics) Of a number n, Having the sum of divisors σ(n)<2n, or, equivalently, the sum of proper…
DESIPIENTdesipient adj. Foolish; silly; trifling.
DESIPIENT adj. playing the fool; trifling.
DISORIENTdisorient v. To cause to lose orientation or direction.
disorient v. To confuse or befuddle.
DISORIENT v. to confuse as to direction.
EBULLIENTebullient adj. Enthusiastic; high-spirited.
ebullient adj. (Literally, of a liquid) Boiling or agitated as if boiling.
EBULLIENT adj. bubbling with enthusiasm or excitement.
EFFICIENTefficient adj. Making good, thorough, or careful use of resources; not consuming extra. Especially, making good use…
efficient adj. Expressing the proportion of consumed energy that was successfully used in a process; the ratio of useful…
efficient adj. Causing effects, producing results; bringing into being; initiating change (rare except in philosophical…
EMOLLIENTemollient n. Something which softens or lubricates the skin; moisturizer.
emollient n. (Figurative) Anything soothing the mind, or that makes something more acceptable.
emollient adj. Moisturizing.
EXCIPIENTexcipient n. (Pharmacy, pharmacology) An ingredient that is intentionally added to a drug for purposes other than…
excipient n. An exceptor.
excipient adj. Taking an exception.
EXPEDIENTexpedient adj. Suitable to effect some desired end or the purpose intended.
expedient adj. Affording short-term benefit, often at the expense of the long-term.
expedient adj. Governed by self-interest, often short-term self-interest.
IMPATIENTimpatient adj. Restless and intolerant of delays.
impatient adj. Anxious and eager, especially to begin something.
impatient adj. (Obsolete) Not to be borne; unendurable.
INCIPIENTincipient adj. In an initial stage; beginning, starting, coming into existence.
incipient n. (Countable, obsolete) beginner.
incipient n. (Uncountable, grammar) A verb tense of the Hebrew language.
INPATIENTinpatient n. (Healthcare) A patient whose treatment needs at least one night’s residence in a hospital; a hospitalized patient.
in-patient n. Alternative spelling of inpatient.
INPATIENT n. a patient living and being treated in a hospital.
INSIPIENTinsipient adj. Foolish; lacking wisdom; stupid.
INSIPIENT adj. wanting wisdom; foolish.
MISORIENTmisorient v. To orient badly or wrongly.
MISORIENT v. to orient in a wrong direction.
PRESCIENTprescient adj. Exhibiting or possessing prescience: having knowledge of, or seemingly able to correctly predict, events…
PRESCIENT adj. having foresight or knowledge of what will happen, also PRESCIOUS.
RECIPIENTrecipient n. One who receives.
recipient n. (Medicine) An individual receiving donor organs or tissues.
recipient n. (Chemistry) The portion of an alembic or other still in which the distilled liquid is collected.
RESILIENTresilient adj. (Of objects or substances) Returning quickly to original shape after force is applied; elastic.
resilient adj. (Of systems, organisms or people) Returning quickly to normal after damaging events or conditions.
RESILIENT adj. springing back.
TRANSIENTtransient adj. Passing or disappearing with time; transitory.
transient adj. Remaining for only a brief time.
transient adj. (Physics) Decaying with time, especially exponentially.
VOLITIENTvolitient adj. Exercising the will; acting from choice.
VOLITIENT adj. willing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 38 words
  • Scrabble in French: 853 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 9 words

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