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List of 8-letter words ending with

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There are 6 eight-letter words ending with ICAN

BARBICANbarbican n. A tower at the entrance to a castle or fortified town.
barbican n. A fortress at the end of a bridge.
barbican n. An opening in the wall of a fortress through which the guns are levelled; a narrow loophole through…
GALLICANGallican adj. Relating to Gaul or France; Gallic; French.
Gallican adj. Relating to the French Roman Catholic church, especially before the late 19th century.
Gallican adj. Relating to Gallicanism.
HOOLICANHOOLICAN n. (Gaelic) a Highland reel, esp. the reel of Tulloch, also HOOLACHAN.
JERRICANjerrican n. Alternative spelling of jerrycan.
JERRICAN n. a fuel container, also JERRYCAN.
PEMMICANpemmican n. A food made from meat which has been dried and beaten into a paste, mixed with berries and rendered…
pemmican n. (Now rare) A speech or piece of writing that is very condensed, conveying a lot of thought or information…
PEMMICAN n. (Native American) a food prepared by North American Indians, also PEMICAN.
PUBLICANpublican n. (Chiefly Britain) The landlord (manager or owner) of a public house (“a bar or tavern, often also selling…
publican n. (Australia, New Zealand, by extension) The manager or owner of a hotel.
publican n. (Ancient Rome, historical) A tax collector, especially one working in Judea and Galilee during New Testament…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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