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List of 7-letter words ending with

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There are 5 seven-letter words ending with IRAL

ACHIRALachiral adj. (Mathematics, chemistry) superimposable on its mirror image; amphichiral.
ACHIRAL adj. of, relating to, or being a molecule that is superimposable on its mirror image.
ADMIRALadmiral n. A naval officer of the highest rank; the commander of a country’s naval forces.
admiral n. A naval officer of high rank, immediately below Admiral of the Fleet; the commander of a fleet or squadron.
admiral n. A flag officer in the United States Navy or Coast Guard of a grade superior to vice admiral and junior…
AMMIRALammiral n. Obsolete spelling of admiral.
AMMIRAL n. (Milton) a naval commander, also ADMIRAL.
NADIRALnadiral adj. Of, pertaining to or situated at a nadir.
NADIRAL adj. of or like a nadir, the point of the heavens diametrically opposite to the zenith.
RETIRALretiral n. (Now chiefly Scotland) Withdrawal, retreat.
retiral n. (Now chiefly Scotland) Retirement from employment.
retiral n. (Finance) The act of taking up a bill when due.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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