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There are 11 six-letter words ending with IVER

DRIVERdriver n. One who drives something, in any sense of the verb drive.
driver n. Something that drives something, in any sense of the verb drive.
driver n. A person who drives a motorized vehicle such as a car or a bus.
NAIVERnaiver adj. Comparative form of naive: more naive.
naïver adj. Comparative form of naïve: more naïve.
NAIVE adj. lacking sophistication.
OLIVERoliver n. (Archaic, rare) A small tilt hammer, worked by the foot.
Oliver prop.n. A male given name from the Germanic languages.
Oliver prop.n. A surname originating as a patronymic.
QUIVERquiver n. (Weaponry) A container for arrows, crossbow bolts or darts, such as those fired from a bow, crossbow or blowgun.
quiver n. (Figuratively) A ready storage location for figurative tools or weapons.
quiver n. (Obsolete) A vulva.
REIVERreiver n. Alternative form of reaver.
REIVER n. a raider, plunderer, also REAVER, RIEVER.
SHIVERshiver v. To tremble or shake, especially when cold or frightened.
shiver v. (Nautical, transitive) To cause to shake or tremble, as a sail, by steering close to the wind.
shiver n. The act of shivering.
SKIVERskiver n. A slacker.
skiver n. A truant; one who is absent without permission, especially from school.
skiver n. One who uses a skive (or skives).
SLIVERsliver n. A long piece cut or rent off; a sharp, slender fragment; a splinter.
sliver n. A strand, or slender roll, of cotton or other fiber in a loose, untwisted state, produced by a carding…
sliver n. (Fishing) Bait made of pieces of small fish. Compare kibblings.
STIVERstiver n. (Historical, money) A small Dutch coin worth one twentieth of a guilder.
stiver n. Anything of small value.
Stiver prop.n. A surname.
TAIVERTAIVER v. (Scots) to wander, to rave, also TAVER.
WAIVERwaiver n. The act of waiving, or not insisting on, some right, claim, or privilege.
waiver n. (Law) A legal document removing some requirement, such as waiving a right (giving it up) or a waiver…
waiver n. Something that releases a person from a requirement.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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