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List of 12-letter words ending with

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There are 19 twelve-letter words ending with ILES

AILUROPHILESailurophiles n. Plural of ailurophile.
AILUROPHILE n. a cat-lover, also AILOUROPHILE.
ANTIFEBRILESantifebriles n. Plural of antifebrile.
ANTIFEBRILE n. a drug used to cure fever.
ANTIMISSILESantimissiles n. Plural of antimissile.
ANTIMISSILE n. a missile for use against other missiles.
AREOSYSTILESAREOSYSTILE n. a building or colonnade alternately araeostyle and systyle, also ARAEOSYSTYLE.
BIBLIOPHILESbibliophiles n. Plural of bibliophile.
BIBLIOPHILE n. a lover of books, also BIBLIOPHIL.
BLOODMOBILESbloodmobiles n. Plural of bloodmobile.
BLOODMOBILE n. a vehicle used to carry blood.
EOSINOPHILESeosinophiles n. Plural of eosinophile.
EOSINOPHILE n. a type of white blood cell, so called because it is easily stained by eosin, also EOSINOPHIL.
EPHEBOPHILESephebophiles n. Plural of ephebophile.
EPHEBOPHILE n. one who is sexually attracted to adolescents.
FRANCOPHILESfrancophiles n. Plural of francophile.
Francophiles n. Plural of Francophile.
FRANCOPHILE n. a lover of France and French things, also FRANCOPHIL.
HETEROPHILESheterophiles n. Plural of heterophile.
HETEROPHILE n. a polymorphonuclear leukocyte in humans that may be stained with dyes, also HETEROPHIL.
NEUTROPHILESneutrophiles n. Plural of neutrophile.
NEUTROPHILE n. a leukophyte that is easily stained, also NEUTROPHIL.
NONVOLATILESSorry, definition not available.
NUCLEOPHILESnucleophiles n. Plural of nucleophile.
NUCLEOPHILE n. a substance that donates electrons.
PSAMMOPHILESpsammophiles n. Plural of psammophile.
PSAMMOPHILE n. a sand-loving plant, also PSAMMOPHIL.
SCRIPOPHILESSCRIPOPHILE n. one who has the hobby of collecting stock and bond certificates.
SIDEROPHILESsiderophiles n. Plural of siderophile.
SIDEROPHILE n. an element with an affinity for iron, whose geochemical distribution is influenced by this property.
SPERMOPHILESspermophiles n. Plural of spermophile.
SPERMOPHILE n. a member of family of seed-loving rodents.
TECHNOPHILEStechnophiles n. Plural of technophile.
TECHNOPHILE n. an enthusiast of technology.
THERMOPHILESthermophiles n. Plural of thermophile.
THERMOPHILE n. a bacteria, plant etc. requiring or thriving in high temperatures, also THERMOPHIL, THERMOPHILIC, THERMOPHILOUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 135 words
  • Scrabble in French: 27 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 33 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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