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There are 14 words ending with IET

CURIETcuriet n. Obsolete form of cuirass.
CURIET n. (obsolete) a cuirass, also CURAT.
DIETdiet n. The food and beverage a person or animal consumes.
diet n. (Countable) A controlled regimen of food and drink, as to gain or lose weight or otherwise influence health.
diet n. (By extension) Any habitual intake or consumption.
DISQUIETdisquiet n. Lack of quiet; absence of tranquility in body or mind.
disquiet adj. (Chiefly obsolete) Deprived of quiet; impatient, restless, uneasy.
disquiet v. (Transitive, intransitive) To make (someone or something) worried or anxious.
DRONKVERDRIETdronkverdriet n. (South Africa) Depression caused by drunkenness.
DRONKVERDRIET adj. (South African) depressed after the consumption of alcohol.
INQUIETinquiet v. (Obsolete, transitive) To disquiet.
INQUIET adj. not quiet.
INQUIET v. to disturb.
JULIETJuliet prop.n. A female given name from Latin.
Juliet prop.n. One of the main characters of William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet.
Juliet prop.n. A woman who is or is with a great lover.
MISDIETmisdiet n. Bad diet.
misdiet v. (Intransitive) To diet improperly.
MISDIET v. (Spenser) to diet or eat improperly.
PALMIETpalmiet n. A South African rush, Prionium serratum.
PALMIET n. (South African) an aloe-like riverside plant of the rush family.
PIETpiet n. (Now Ireland, UK regional) The magpie.
Piet prop.n. An esoteric programming language whose programs are bitmaps that look like abstract art.
Piet prop.n. A surname.
QUIETquiet adj. With little or no sound; free of disturbing noise.
quiet adj. Having little motion or activity; calm.
quiet adj. Not busy, of low quantity.
SOVIETsoviet n. (Historical) A workers’ council, an institution first formed during the 1905 Russian Revolution and…
soviet adj. Pertaining to or resembling a soviet (council).
soviet adj. Alternative letter-case form of Soviet (pertaining to the Soviet Union).
SPAVIETSPAVIET adj. relating to a spavie.
ULTRAQUIETultraquiet adj. Extremely quiet.
ULTRAQUIET adj. very very quiet.
UNQUIETunquiet adj. Uneasy and restless; unable to settle.
unquiet adj. Causing or associated with unease or restlessness.
unquiet v. (Now rare) To disturb, disquiet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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