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List of 9-letter words ending with

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There are 12 nine-letter words ending with IFT

BLUESHIFTblueshift n. (Physics) A change in the wavelength of light, in which the wavelength is shorter than when it was emitted…
BLUESHIFT n. a shift of the spectrum towards the blue.
CHAIRLIFTchairlift n. A continuously moving series of open seats, slung from overhead cables, used to transport people (especially…
chair-lift n. Alternative form of chairlift.
chair␣lift n. Alternative form of chairlift.
DOWNSHIFTdownshift n. A change of direction or a movement downwards.
downshift n. A reduction in quality or quantity.
downshift n. A change in career or lifestyle to one which is not as well paid but less stressful and more personally rewarding.
GEARSHIFTgearshift n. Alternative spelling of gear shift.
gearshift v. (Rare) To shift gears.
gear␣shift n. (Automotive) That part of a gearbox involved in changing gear, including the lever and the forks attached to it.
LOANSHIFTloanshift n. The situation in which a word changes or extends its meaning under the influence of another language.
loanshift n. A word whose meaning has changed in this way.
LOANSHIFT n. the adaptation of a word from one language to another.
MAKESHIFTmakeshift n. A temporary (usually insubstantial) substitution.
makeshift adj. Made to work or suffice; improvised; substituted.
makeshift n. (Obsolete) A rogue; a shifty person.
RANKSHIFTrankshift v. (Linguistics) To use a phrase as a subunit of a longer one.
rankshift n. The action of rankshifting.
RANKSHIFT v. to shift or be shifted from one linguistic rank to another.
SNOWDRIFTsnowdrift n. A bank of snow accumulated by the wind.
snow␣drift n. Alternative spelling of snowdrift.
SNOWDRIFT n. a drift of snow.
SPINDRIFTspindrift n. (Nautical) Sea spray (clouds of water droplets) blown from the tops of waves by the wind and whipped…
spindrift n. (By extension) Clouds of sand, snow, etc., whipped along the ground by the wind.
SPINDRIFT n. the ocean spray which is blown by the wind, also SPOONDRIFT.
STAIRLIFTstairlift n. A motorized platform installed in a stairway, which traverses the stairs when activated and can be ridden…
stair␣lift n. Alternative spelling of stairlift.
STAIRLIFT n. a lift to enable people to get up the stairs.
STARDRIFTstardrift n. (Astronomy) The apparent shared motion of stars in the same cluster.
STARDRIFT n. a common proper motion of a number of stars in the same region.
TIMESHIFTtimeshift n. (Plays, films etc.) A change from one time period to another.
timeshift v. To retransmit the programmes of a TV channel at a different time of day.
TIMESHIFT v. to enable (a television programme) to be viewed at a time later than that of its original broadcast.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 53 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 35 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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