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List of 6-letter words ending with

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There are 9 six-letter words ending with ITO

BONITObonito n. Any of various marine fish of the genus Sarda that are related to and resemble the tuna.
bonito n. A large tropical fish, the skipjack tuna, allied to the tunny, Katsuwonus pelamis.
bonito n. The medregal (Seriola fasciata), an edible fish of the southern of the United States and the West Indies.
COGITOcogito n. (Philosophy, often preceded by the, sometimes capitalized) The argument "cogito, ergo sum" ("I think…
COGITO n. (Latin) a philosophical principle.
FINITOfinito adj. Finished; over with.
FINITO adj. (Italian) finished.
KWAITOkwaito n. (South Africa, music) A style of music featuring words chanted over house music, originating in Johannesburg…
kwaito n. (South Africa) The meme or milieu associated with the music style.
KWAITO n. (South African) a type of South African pop music.
MANITOmanito n. Alternative form of manitou.
MANITO n. (Native American) a name given by tribes of American Indians to a great spirit, whether good or evil, or to any object of worship, also MANITOU, MANITU.
MOJITOmojito n. A Cuban cocktail, generally made from rum, lime, sugar, mint, etc.
MOJITO n. a traditional Cuban cocktail.
SOLITOSOLITO adv. (Italian) in the usual manner.
SUBITOsubito adv. (Music) Suddenly, abruptly.
SUBITO interj. (Italian) at once; immediately.
VOMITOvomito n. The most virulent form of yellow fever.
vomito n. The black vomit associated with the worst form of yellow fever.
VOMITO n. (Spanish) a form of yellow fever.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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