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There are 20 five-letter words ending with ICK

BRICKbrick n. (Countable) A hardened rectangular block of mud, clay etc., used for building.
brick n. (Uncountable) Such hardened mud, clay, etc. considered collectively, as a building material.
brick n. (Countable) Something shaped like a brick.
CHICKchick n. A young bird.
chick n. A young chicken.
chick n. (Dated, endearing) A young child.
CLICKclick n. A brief, sharp, not particularly loud, relatively high-pitched sound produced by the impact of something…
click n. (Britain) The act of making a clicking sound by pressing a finger against the thumb and then releasing…
click n. (Phonetics) An ingressive sound made by coarticulating a velar or uvular closure with another closure.
CRICKcrick n. A painful muscular cramp or spasm of some part of the body, as of the neck or back, making it difficult…
crick n. A small jackscrew.
crick v. To develop a crick (cramp, spasm).
ERICKerick n. Alternative form of eric (“fine paid as compensation for violent crimes”).
Erick prop.n. A male given name from the Germanic languages, a rare spelling variant of Eric that can also be explained…
ERICK n. (Irish) a murderer's fine in old Irish law, also ERIC, ERIACH.
FLICKflick n. A short, quick movement, especially a brush, sweep, or flip.
flick n. (Informal) A motion picture, movie, film; (in plural, usually preceded by "the") movie theater, cinema.
flick n. (Fencing) A cut that lands with the point, often involving a whip of the foible of the blade to strike…
HAICKhaick n. Alternative form of haik.
HAICK n. (Arabic) an Arab head covering, also HAIK, HAIQUE, HYKE.
HOICKhoick n. Alternative spelling of hoik.
hoick v. Alternative spelling of hoik.
HOICK v. to hitch up, also HOIK.
KLICKklick n. (Slang, military) A kilometer.
klick n. (Slang, usually in the plural) Kilometres per hour.
klick n. Alternative spelling of click.
PRICKprick n. A small hole or perforation, caused by piercing.
prick n. An indentation or small mark made with a pointed object.
prick n. (Obsolete) A dot or other diacritical mark used in writing; a point.
QUICKquick adj. Moving with speed, rapidity or swiftness, or capable of doing so; rapid; fast.
quick adj. Occurring in a short time; happening or done rapidly.
quick adj. Lively, fast-thinking, witty, intelligent.
SAICKsaick n. Obsolete form of saic.
SAICK n. (Turkish) a Levantine vessel like a ketch, also SAIC, SAIQUE.
SLICKslick adj. Slippery or smooth due to a covering of liquid; often used to describe appearances.
slick adj. Appearing expensive or sophisticated.
slick adj. Superficially convincing but actually untrustworthy.
SNICKsnick v. (Transitive) To cut or snip.
snick v. (Cricket) To hit (the ball) with the edge of the bat, causing a slight deflection.
snick n. (Cricket) A small deflection of the ball off the side of the bat; often carries to the wicketkeeper for a catch.
SPICKspick n. Alternative spelling of spic.
spick n. (Obsolete) nail, a spike (slender piece of wood or metal, used as a fastener).
spick adj. Tidy; fresh.
STICKstick n. An elongated piece of wood or similar material, typically put to some use, for example as a wand or baton.
stick n. Any roughly cylindrical (or rectangular) unit of a substance.
stick n. Material or objects attached to a stick or the like.
THICKthick adj. Relatively great in extent from one surface to the opposite in its smallest solid dimension.
thick adj. Measuring a certain number of units in this dimension.
thick adj. Heavy in build; thickset.
TRICKtrick n. Something designed to fool or swindle.
trick n. A single element of a magician’s (or any variety entertainer’s) act; a magic trick.
trick n. An entertaining difficult physical action.
WRICKwrick v. (Dialect) To twist; turn.
wrick v. (Dialect) To wrench; strain.
wrick n. A painful muscular spasm in the neck or back.
YOICKyoick interj. Alternative form of yoicks (hunting cry).
yoick v. (Intransitive) To give the hunter’s cry of "yoick".
YOICK v. to cry out an old foxhunting cry, also YOICKS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 55 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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