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There are 13 ten-letter words ending with IRE

CAPILLAIREcapillaire n. (Archaic) A syrup prepared from the maidenhair, formerly supposed to have medicinal properties.
capillaire n. (Archaic) Any simple syrup flavoured with orange flowers.
CAPILLAIRE n. (French) a syrup, an infusion of maidenhair fern flavoured with orange-flower water.
CENTREFIREcentrefire n. Alternative form of centerfire.
CHEESEWIREcheesewire n. Alternative form of cheese wire.
cheese␣wire n. A wire which is sufficiently strong, yet fine enough to cut through cheese easily. Normally with either…
CHEESEWIRE n. a thin wire used for cutting cheese.
DEBONNAIREdebonnaire adj. Alternative spelling of debonair.
débonnaire adj. Alternative form of debonair.
DEBONNAIRE adj. (French) of good appearance, elegant, also DEBONAIR, DEBONAIRE.
ESCRITOIREescritoire n. A writing desk with a hinged door that provides the writing surface.
ESCRITOIRE n. (French) a writing-desk, also SCRUTOIRE.
LEPTOSPIREleptospire n. Any bacterium of the genus Leptospira.
LEPTOSPIRE n. any of a genus of slender aerobic spirochetes.
NECESSAIREnecessaire n. A small case for holding personal items, especially toiletries.
nécessaire n. Alternative spelling of necessaire.
NECESSAIRE n. (French) a dressing-table; a workbox.
PRAEMUNIREpraemunire n. (Law, now historical) The offence in English law of bringing suit in or obeying a foreign (especially…
praemunire n. The writ charging a person with this offence, the writ of praemunire facias.
praemunire n. (In extended use) Any of a number of criminal offences incurring similar penalties to the original offence…
PREREQUIREprerequire v. To require beforehand.
PREREQUIRE v. to require beforehand.
RELIQUAIREreliquaire n. Reliquary (container).
RELIQUAIRE n. (French) a receptacle for relics, also RELIQUARY.
REMONTOIREREMONTOIRE n. any of various devices used in watches, clocks etc. to compensate for errors, also REMONTOIR.
REPERTOIRErepertoire n. A list of dramas, operas, pieces, parts, etc., which a company or a person has rehearsed and is prepared…
repertoire n. The set of skills, abilities, experiences, etc., possessed by a person.
repertoire n. The set of vocalisations used by a bird.
SECRETAIREsecretaire n. A kind of writing desk.
SECRETAIRE n. (French) a writing desk.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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