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List of 10-letter words ending with

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There are 19 ten-letter words ending with IOS

CAPRICCIOScapriccios n. Plural of capriccio.
CAPRICCIO n. (Italian) a free form musical composition.
CARPACCIOScarpaccios n. Plural of carpaccio.
CARPACCIO n. (Italian) an hors d'oeuvre made of thin strips of raw meat or fish, often eaten with a relish.
EMBROGLIOSembroglios n. Plural of embroglio.
EMBROGLIO n. (Italian) a confusing or disturbing situation, also IMBROGLIO.
FINNOCHIOSFINNOCHIO n. (Italian) a dwarf variety of fennel, also FINOCCHIO, FINOCHIO.
FINOCCHIOSfinocchios n. Plural of finocchio.
Finocchios prop.n. Plural of Finocchio.
FINOCCHIO n. (Italian) a dwarf variety of fennel, also FINNOCHIO, FINOCHIO.
IMBROGLIOSimbroglios n. Plural of imbroglio.
IMBROGLIO n. (Italian) a confusing or disturbing situation, also EMBROGLIO.
LIBECCHIOSlibecchios n. Plural of libecchio.
LIBECCHIO n. (Milton) a strong westerly (or southwesterly) wind that blows on to Corsica's western coast, also LIBECCIO.
MUSTACHIOSmustachios n. Plural of mustachio.
mustachios v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mustachio.
MUSTACHIO n. (Spanish) a large, elegantly curling moustache, also MOUSTACHIO.
PASTICCIOSpasticcios n. Plural of pasticcio.
PASTICCIO n. (Italian) a medley, a pastiche.
PASTITSIOSpastitsios n. Plural of pastitsio.
PASTITSIO n. (Modern Greek) a dish of mincemeat and macaroni topped with bechamel sauce, also PASTITSO.
PISTACHIOSpistachios n. Plural of pistachio.
PISTACHIO n. a kind of tree, or its edible nutlike fruit.
PORPHYRIOSporphyrios n. Plural of porphyrio.
PORPHYRIO n. any bird of the purple-coot genus Porphyrio.
PORTFOLIOSportfolios n. Plural of portfolio.
PORTFOLIO n. a case or pair of boards for holding loose papers.
PRONUNCIOSPRONUNCIO n. a papal ambassador of lower status than a nuncio.
PULVILLIOSpulvillios n. Plural of pulvillio.
PULVILLIO n. (historical) perfumed powder; snuff, also PULVIL, PULVILIO, PULVILLE.
PUNCTILIOSpunctilios n. Plural of punctilio.
PUNCTILIO n. (Italian) a minute detail of conduct; careful observance of forms.
RADICCHIOSradicchios n. Plural of radicchio.
RADICCHIO n. (Italian) a purple-leaved variety of chicory from Italy.
SOLFEGGIOSsolfeggios n. Plural of solfeggio.
SOLFEGGIO n. a singing exercise using the syllable do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, also SOLFEGE.
SPADILLIOSSPADILLIO n. (obsolete) the ace of spades in the game of ombre, also SPADILLE, SPADILLO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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