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There are 20 words ending with IZ

BIZbiz n. (Slang) Business.
.biz n. (Internet) An Internet top-level domain indicating that a website is engaged in business over the Internet.
BIZ n. (slang) business.
FIZfiz v. Archaic form of fizz.
fiz n. Archaic form of fizz.
FIZ n. (Malaysia, economics, geography) Abbreviation of free industrial zone.
JIZJIZ n. a wig, also GIZZ.
MIZmiz adj. (Slang) Clipping of miserable.
Miz n. (US) Eye dialect spelling of Ms..
MIZ n. (colloquial) misery, also MIZZ.
RIZriz v. (US, dialect) rose or risen.
RISE v. to move upward.
TIZtiz n. (Colloquial) Alternative form of tizz.
TIZ n. a state of confusion, also TIZZ, TIZZY.
WIZwiz n. A person who is exceptionally clever, gifted or skilled in a particular area.
wiz n. (Internet, informal) A wizard; an administrator of a multi-user dungeon.
wiz n. (Vulgar, slang) Alternative spelling of whiz: an act of urination.
ZIZziz n. Alternative form of zizz (a nap, a short sleep).
ZIZ v. to take a nap.
CHIZCHIZ v. to swindle, also CHIZZ.
FRIZfriz n. Dated form of frizz.
friz v. Dated form of frizz.
FRIZ v. to curl hair tightly, also FRIZZ, FRIZZLE.
GRIZGRIZ n. a grizzly bear.
PHIZphiz n. (Chiefly Britain, colloquial) The face.
PHIZ n. (colloquial) physiognomy, the face, also PHIZOG, PHIZZ.
QUIZquiz n. (Dated) An odd, puzzling or absurd person or thing.
quiz n. (Dated) One who questions or interrogates; a prying person.
quiz n. A competition in the answering of questions.
SWIZswiz n. Alternative form of swizz.
SWIZ v. to defraud, also SWIZZ.
WHIZwhiz v. To make a whirring or hissing sound, similar to that of an object speeding through the air.
whiz v. To rush or move swiftly with such a sound.
whiz v. To throw or spin rapidly.
CAPIZcapiz n. The windowpane oyster.
capiz n. The shell of this mollusk used in window panes and jewelry.
Capiz prop.n. A province of the Philippines, on northern Panay island. Capital and largest city: Roxas.
HAFIZhafiz n. A Muslim who has memorized the whole Qur’an.
Hafiz prop.n. A surname from Arabic.
HAFIZ n. (Arabic) a Muslim who knows the Koran by heart.
SQUIZsquiz n. Alternative form of squizz.
squiz v. Alternative form of squizz.
SQUIZ n. (Australian slang) a quick, close look.
SHOWBIZshowbiz n. Short for showbusiness.
show␣biz n. Alternative spelling of showbiz.
SHOWBIZ n. (short for) show business.
RHEUMATIZrheumatiz n. (Dialect) rheumatism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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