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There are 18 five-letter words ending with IK

BATIKbatik n. A wax-resist method of dyeing fabric.
batik v. To dye fabric using the wax-resist method.
BATIK n. (Malay) an Indonesian dyed fabric, also BATTIK.
CLEIKCLEIK n. a kind of golf club.
GLAIKglaik n. (Geordie, derogatory) A fool or eccentric person.
GLAIK n. (Scots) a flash, a dazzle.
GOPIKgopik n. Alternative form of qapik.
GOPIK n. a monetary unit of Azerbaijan, one hundredth of a manat, also QAPIK.
IBRIKibrik n. A long-spouted pitcher, typically made of brass. Occasionally confused with a Turkish coffee pot, which…
IBRIK n. the Arabic name for a cezve, a small metal pot used for preparing coffee.
KAMIKkamik n. A mukluk.
KAMIK n. (Inuit) a knee-length sealskin boot.
MALIKmalik n. A tribal chieftain in certain areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan, especially among the Pashtuns.
malik n. A tribal chieftain in modern Assyrian society.
malik n. An upper-caste landlord in the southern part of Bihar in eastern India.
MELIKmelik n. (Historical) A member of hereditary nobility in certain Armenian principalities, especially in Artsakh.
MELIK n. (Arabic) in India, the head of a village, an employer, also MALIK.
MUJIKmujik n. A Russian (male) peasant.
MUJIK n. (Russian) a Russian peasant, also MOUJIK, MUZHIK, MUZJIK.
PULIKpulik n. Plural of puli.
Pulik n. Plural of Puli.
PULI n. (Hungarian) a longhaired sheepdog.
QAPIKqapik n. A unit of currency equivalent to a hundredth of an Azerbaijani manat.
QAPIK n. (Azerbaijani) a monetary unit of Azerbaijan, one hundredth of a manat, also GOPIK.
SHEIKsheik n. The leader of an Arab village, family or small tribe.
sheik n. An Islamic religious cleric; the leader of an Islamic religious order.
sheik n. (Some Arab Gulf countries) An official title for members of the royal family as well as some prominent families.
SHTIKshtik n. Alternative spelling of shtick.
SHTIK n. (Yiddish) a familiar line of chat adapted by a particular comedian, also SCHTICK, SCHTIK, SHTICK.
SKRIKskrik n. (South Africa) A shock; a fright.
SKRIK n. (South African) a fright.
SMAIKSMAIK n. (Scots) a contemptible fellow, a rascal.
SMEIKSMEIK v. (Scots) to smoke, also SMEKE.
TRAIKTRAIK v. (Scots) to make one's way wearily; to get lost.
TUPIKtupik n. A tent or other building made from animal skins, used by the Inuit during the summer.
TUPIK n. (Inuit) an Inuit animal-skin tent, also TOPEK, TUPEK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 78 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: 18 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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