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There are 11 words ending with HOLIC

ALCOHOLICalcoholic n. A person addicted to alcohol.
alcoholic n. One who abuses alcohol.
alcoholic adj. Of or pertaining to alcohol.
ANTICATHOLICanticatholic adj. Opposed to Catholicism.
anticatholic n. A person opposed to Catholicism.
ANTICATHOLIC adj. opposed to the Catholic church.
CATHOLICcatholic adj. Universal; all-encompassing.
catholic adj. Alternative letter-case form of Catholic.
catholic adj. (Obsolete) Common or prevalent; especially universally prevalent.
CHOCAHOLICchocaholic n. Alternative spelling of chocoholic.
CHOCAHOLIC n. one addicted to chocolate, also CHOCOHOLIC.
CHOCOHOLICchocoholic n. Someone who has such a liking for chocolate that they appear to be addicted to it.
chocoholic adj. Addicted or seemingly addicted to chocolate; characteristic of a chocoholic.
CHOCOHOLIC n. one addicted to chocolate, also CHOCAHOLIC.
CHOLICcholic adj. Of or pertaining to bile.
cholic adj. (Organic chemistry) Of or pertaining to cholic acid or its derivatives.
cholic n. Obsolete spelling of colic (“abdominal distress”).
MELANCHOLICmelancholic adj. Filled with or affected by melancholy—great sadness or depression, especially of a thoughtful or introspective…
melancholic adj. (Dated) Pertaining to black bile (melancholy).
melancholic adj. (Classical temperament) Pertaining to the melancholic temperament or its associated personality traits.
NONALCOHOLICnonalcoholic adj. Containing no more than trace amounts of alcohol.
nonalcoholic adj. (Medicine) Not involving alcohol as its cause.
nonalcoholic n. One who is not an alcoholic.
SEXAHOLICsexaholic n. One who is addicted to sex.
SEXAHOLIC n. someone addicted to sex.
SHOPAHOLICshopaholic n. One who shops excessively; a shopping addict.
shopaholic n. Common term applied to someone suffering from oniomania.
SHOPAHOLIC n. a compulsive shopper.
WORKAHOLICworkaholic n. A person who feels compelled to work excessively, including while at home.
workaholic adj. In the nature or manner of a workaholic.
WORKAHOLIC n. one who is excessively fond of work.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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