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There are 12 words ending with HASIC

PHASICphasic adj. Of or relating to phase…
phasic adj. (Physiology) Describing the discontinuous activity of excitable cells or tissues…
PHASIC adj. relating to a phase.
APHASICaphasic adj. (Speech pathology) Affected by, or pertaining to, aphasia.
aphasic n. (Speech pathology) One who is afflicted by symptoms of aphasia.
APHASIC n. one suffering from aphasia, also APHASIAC.
BIPHASICbiphasic adj. Having two phases.
BIPHASIC adj. having two phases.
DIPHASICdiphasic adj. Having, or occurring in, two phases.
DIPHASIC adj. having two phases, also DIPHASE.
ANAPHASICanaphasic adj. (Cytology) Relating to the anaphase.
ANAPHASIC adj. relating to the anaphase, the stage of meiosis in which daughter chromosomes move towards the nuclear spindle.
DYSPHASICdysphasic adj. Having or relating to dysphasia.
dysphasic n. A person who has dysphasia.
DYSPHASIC adj. suffering from dysphasia, impairment of speech coordination, due to brain disease or injury.
PROPHASICprophasic adj. Relating to the prophase.
PROPHASIC adj. relating to prophase, the first stage in cell division.
MONOPHASICmonophasic adj. Of, related to or affected with monophasia.
monophasic adj. Having a single phase.
MONOPHASIC adj. of electric current, single-phase, also MONOPHASE.
PARAPHASICparaphasic adj. Relating to paraphasia.
PARAPHASIC adj. of or like paraphasia, a disorder in which one word substituted for another.
POLYPHASICpolyphasic adj. Having multiple coexisting phases.
polyphasic adj. Having multiple successive peaks of activity.
POLYPHASIC adj. going through several periods of activity followed by rest in twenty-four hours.
TELOPHASICTELOPHASIC adj. relating to telophase, the last phase of mitosis in which the chromosomes of the daughter cells are grouped in separate nuclei.
MULTIPHASICmultiphasic adj. Having many phases.
MULTIPHASIC adj. having many phases.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 37 words
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