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There are 16 words ending with HAGE

ACHAGEachage n. (Rare) The state or condition of having aches.
ACHAGE n. (Tennyson) an ache, aching.
BACTERIOPHAGEbacteriophage n. (Microbiology, virology) A virus that specifically infects bacteria.
BACTERIOPHAGE n. a bacterium that eats other bacteria.
BERTHAGEberthage n. A place for mooring vessels in a dock or harbor.
BERTHAGE n. a place for mooring vessels in a dock or harbor.
COLIPHAGEcoliphage n. Any of several bacteriophages that can infect strains of the bacterium Escherichia coli.
COLIPHAGE n. any bacteriophage active against E. coli.
COWHAGEcowhage n. Alternative form of cowage.
COWHAGE n. (Hindi) a leguminous climbing plant with crooked pods covered with sharp stinging hairs, also COWAGE, COWITCH.
HAEMORRHAGEhaemorrhage n. British form standard spelling of hemorrhage.
haemorrhage v. British form standard spelling of hemorrhage.
hæmorrhage n. (Chiefly British spelling) Archaic spelling of haemorrhage.
HEMORRHAGEhemorrhage n. A heavy release of blood within or from the body.
hemorrhage n. (Figurative) A sudden or significant loss.
hemorrhage v. (Intransitive) To bleed copiously.
MACROPHAGEmacrophage n. (Immunology, cytology) A white blood cell that phagocytizes necrotic cell debris and foreign material…
MACROPHAGE n. any of the large phagocytic cells situated in the walls of blood vessels.
MICROPHAGEmicrophage n. (Biology) A small phagocyte, especially a polymorphonuclear leucocyte (a granulocyte).
MICROPHAGE n. a small phagocyte.
OSTREOPHAGEostreophage n. (Rare) Synonym of ostreophagist.
OSTREOPHAGE n. an oyster-eater.
PHAGEphage n. (Microbiology, virology) A virus that is parasitic on bacteria.
-phage suff. Something that eats, or consumes.
PHAGE n. (short for) a bacteriophage, a bacterium that eats other bacteria.
PROPHAGEprophage n. (Biology) The latent form of a bacteriophage in which the viral genome is inserted into the host chromosome.
PROPHAGE n. a virus that exists in a bacterial cell and undergoes division with its host without destroying it.
REPECHAGErepechage n. (Sports) A heat (as in rowing or fencing) in which the best competitors who have lost in a previous…
repêchage n. Alternative spelling of repechage.
REPECHAGE n. (French) a supplementary heat or competition giving eliminated competitors the chance of competing again to reach the final.
ROUGHAGEroughage n. Originally (archaic), garbage, rubbish, or waste; later (agriculture) the portions of a crop which are…
roughage n. (Agriculture) Coarse or rough plant material such as hay and silage used as animal fodder.
roughage n. (Nutrition) Substances, generally of plant origin, consisting mostly of complex carbohydrates which…
WEIGHAGEweighage n. A duty or toll paid for weighing merchandise.
WEIGHAGE n. the rate paid for weighing of goods.
XYLOPHAGExylophage n. (Biology) Any living organism that feeds on wood.
XYLOPHAGE n. an insect larva, mollusc etc. that eats or bores into wood.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 123 words
  • Scrabble in French: 110 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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