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List of 8-letter words ending with

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There are 12 eight-letter words ending with HITE

BOBWHITEbobwhite n. Any one of four species of quail in the genus Colinus, of the bird family Odontophoridae, limited to the Americas.
BOBWHITE n. a kind of quail.
GNATHITEgnathite n. (Zoology) Any of the mouth appendages of the Arthropoda.
GNATHITE n. a jawlike appendage of an insect.
GOBSHITEgobshite n. (Ireland, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, slang, offensive, vulgar) One who engages in nonsensical…
gobshite n. (Ireland, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, slang, offensive, vulgar) A person of very poor judgment…
GOBSHITE n. (offensive) a garrulous stupid idiot.
GOETHITEgoethite n. (Mineralogy) An iron oxyhydroxide that is the main constituent of rust.
GOETHITE n. a hydrous oxide of iron, occurring in prismatic crystals, also GOTHITE.
GRAPHITEgraphite n. An allotrope of carbon, consisting of planes of carbon atoms arranged in hexagonal arrays with the planes…
graphite n. Short for graphite-reinforced plastic, a composite plastic made with graphite fibers noted for light…
graphite n. A grey colour, resembling graphite or the marks made with a graphite pencil.
NONWHITEnonwhite adj. Not white in color.
nonwhite adj. Not belonging to the white race.
nonwhite adj. Not associated with white people.
ONYCHITEONYCHITE n. onyx marble.
PERTHITEperthite n. (Mineralogy) A laminated mixture of two feldspars: plagioclase and either orthoclase or microcline.
Perthite n. A native or inhabitant of Perth, Australia.
PERTHITE n. a variety of alkali feldspar.
PSEPHITEpsephite n. A sediment or sedimentary rock composed of fragments that are coarser than sand and which are enclosed…
PSEPHITE n. a rock composed of small pebbles.
SULPHITEsulphite n. (Inorganic chemistry, chiefly British spelling) Alternative spelling of sulfite.
sulphite n. (Obsolete) A person who is spontaneous and original in thought and conversation.
SULPHITE n. a salt of sulphurous acid, also SULFITE.
TRICHITEtrichite n. (Mineralogy) A kind of crystallite resembling a bunch of hairs, common in obsidian.
trichite n. (Zoology) A delicate, hair-like siliceous spicule, found in certain sponges.
TRICHITE n. a kind of crystallite resembling a bunch of hairs, common in obsidian.
TROCHITEtrochite n. (Paleontology) A wheel-like joint of the stem of a fossil crinoid.
TROCHITE n. a wheel-like joint of the stem of a fossil crinoid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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