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There are 16 words ending with HEM

HEMhem interj. Used to fill in the gap of a pause with a vocalized sound.
hem n. An utterance or sound of the voice like "hem", often indicative of hesitation or doubt, sometimes used…
hem v. To make the sound expressed by the word hem; to hesitate in speaking.
AHEMahem interj. (Onomatopoeia) the sound of a quiet cough or of clearing one’s throat.
ahem interj. An exclamation or cough to get attention.
ahem interj. An exclamation of disapproval or annoyance.
CHEMchem n. (Uncountable, university slang, often capitalized) Clipping of chemistry (“branch of natural science”);…
chem n. (Countable, informal, often in the plural) Clipping of chemical.
chem adj. (Informal) Clipping of chemical.
THEMthem pron. (In the plural) Those ones.
them pron. (In the singular) A single person, previously mentioned, especially if of unknown or non-binary gender.
them det. (Dialectal) Those.
REHEMrehem v. (Transitive) To supply (A garment, etc.) with a new hem.
REHEM v. to take up the hem once more.
ANTHEManthem n. (Archaic) Antiphon.
anthem n. A choral or vocal composition, often with a religious or political lyric.
anthem n. A hymn of praise or loyalty.
DIRHEMdirhem n. (Historical units of measurement) A former small Turkish unit of weight, variously reckoned as 1.5–3…
dirhem n. (Chiefly historical Turkish contexts) Alternative form of dirham: a former silver coin weighing one…
DIRHEM n. (Arabic) a Middle Eastern coin, also DIRHAM, DERHAM.
MAIHEMmaihem n. (Obsolete, used chiefly before 1900) Alternative form of mayhem, in the sense of maiming or causing bodily harm.
MAIHEM n. maiming, malicious damage, also MAYHEM.
MAYHEMmayhem n. A state or situation of great confusion, disorder, trouble or destruction; chaos.
mayhem n. Infliction of violent injury on a person or thing.
mayhem n. (Law) The maiming of a person by depriving him of the use of any of his limbs which are necessary for…
SACHEMsachem n. A chief of one or several Native American tribe(s), especially of the Algonquians; a sagamore.
sachem n. (Informal).
sachem n. (Politics) A high-ranking officer of the Tammany Hall political organization.
APOTHEMapothem n. (Geometry) The perpendicular distance from the center of a circle to a chord of the same circle.
apothem n. (Geometry) The distance from the center of a regular polygon perpendicular to one of its sides (a special…
APOTHEM n. (Greek) the perpendicular from centre to the side of a polygon.
EPITHEMepithem n. (Medicine, historical) Any external topical application to the body, except ointments and plasters;…
EPITHEM n. (Greek) a group of leaf cells which exude water, also EPITHEMA.
ERATHEMerathem n. (Geology, paleontology) The total stratigraphic unit deposited during a certain corresponding span of…
ERATHEM n. the stratigraphical unit of rock strata, corresponding to a geological era.
EXANTHEMexanthem n. A widespread rash usually occurring in children.
EXANTHEM n. a skin eruption, esp. accompanied by fever, also EXANTHEMA.
SPELEOTHEMspeleothem n. (Geology) Any secondary mineral, deposited in a natural cave by the action of water.
SPELEOTHEM n. a term for depositional features, such as stalactites and stalagmites, found in caves, also SPELAEOTHEM.
SPELAEOTHEMSPELAEOTHEM n. a term for depositional features, such as stalactites and stalagmites, found in caves, also SPELEOTHEM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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